Whats your beer?

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Just recently made a trip to my local Gordon Biersch and met the brewmaster. Made me respect the company a lot because that one guy actually brews all the beers for that location on site . This thing called the brewmaster tab is bottomless and also makes for an unproductive Wednesday.

The seasonal was his personal pale ale (about 7 abv). He recommended me try half his pale ale half of the house hefe, and so was born my current favorite beer.
Pyramid Hefe
Yuengling (havent had it in a while as it isnt sold in NM)
Chimay Triple and Blue (really expensive, but God does it taste good)
Sam Adams (any of their seasonals too)
I usually have Sam Adams, Blue Moon, or Dos Equis Amber on tap at home though.
Just recently made a trip to my local Gordon Biersch and met the brewmaster.

Isn't this the brewery in new orleans? I've been there a few times they makes some pretty good beer.
They're spread all over. Started in California as a set of brew pubs. Anywhere you can get a nice kobe burger and some unfiltered beer is good in my book.
Anderson Valley Brewing company. Pretty much all of them, but especially the Whiskey Barrel Stout.

Sweetwater 420 = best IPA ever.
Just about anything and I mean anything but SHINER! Here's a challenge...name a beer worse than Shiner. Good Luck. It doesn't exist. The most vile beer in the galaxy.

North Coast Old Rasputin
Port Brewing Old Viscosity
Ska Mexican Lager
Any of the trappist beers.

Ill be at bells next monday (the 25th) for oberon day. Its only 5 miles from where i live
Guinness Draught. That is my go to beer, it's always in the house, it's what I order when I'm eating out, it is the God of all beers.

Paulaner Salvator Double Bock is my favorite imported German beer. I had tons of great beers in Germany that aren't available here. I drink Salvator Double Bock, or Doppelbock if you prefer, often. It's generally in the fridge, it is however pushing 12% ABV, so I don't drink a lot of it. I will drink about any Dunkelweizen anything. Hefeweizen has been real hit and miss with me, I've found some I like, I found some I hate.

I've found a couple beers from micro brews here and there that I like. One out in Colorado that for the life of me I can't remember, but it was great. Marshall brewing company from here in Oklahoma has several beers I like.

That's it. I wont drink a Lite or Light anything. I think that Stella stuff was the worst beer I've ever drank. I hate pale anything. I hate every American "Lager" I've ever tried. I wouldn'y drink Coors, or Buttwiser or Miller, or any other ****** light lager that the U.S. trys to pass off as a beer.

Almost forgot, I hate Sammy A. Every single one I've ever tried, and that has been at least 20 different brews. Hated them all.
Marshall brewing company from here in Oklahoma has several beers I like.

I like their IPA a lot. When I traveled for work I went to Kilkennys in Tulsa every time I was in town. Usually followed by a drillers game if they were in town.
I am in the same boat. So many beers, that it is hard to pick a favorite, but I l dig Bell's, Dark Horse, Lagunitas, Oscar Blues (Deviant Dale's and their Ten Fiddy!! Wow!), Stone and actually have been having a bunch of good ones from Great Lakes. Had their Alchemy Hour IPA the other day and it is stellar! I like "Big" beers, but some friends have incorporated me to make a Pilsner. Guess I'll give it a shot.
So I tried a Belgian bar today that opened locally 5 months ago. Been meaning to stop in but just got a chance.
Tried quite a few drafts that were very nice beers then the bartender talked me in to trying this in the bottle.


This was one helluva beer highly recommended [up]