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We can do it also in Finland

bad ass!! that would be a good one for the calendar. [up] send it to Dave without the water mark and I will gladly post that up in my apt and at the shop!
My fat ass needs to loose some weight!!! Well that and a new clutch prob wouldnt hurt....lol. I cant even get my 12r to pop a 6in wheelie in 1st......forget about it in 2nd.
I think the extra weight would help if you slide back on the seat. I'm only 160lbs, but I still need to slide back on the seat in order to do good roll on wheelies. I just get the revs up in first gear(4500 or so) snap off the throttle and snap it back on full immediately. Front comes right up. Scares the crap out of me every time.
If I moved back any further I would be sitting on top of my pillon cover. My bike has almost 14k miles and Im the 3rd owner. The second owner had the clutch and front brake levers powder coated and this caused them to bind......you had to actually pust the clutch leaver out about 1/8in to have it compleatly engauged. That and the clutch cable was in need of a adjustment. Im sure my 250lb lard ass dosent help any either....lol. No worries though. Im ordering a new clutch from EBR and will see where it gets me.
I cannot roll up in first or second on my 07 xb12stt...if i am in first and about 4k-4500 and snap throttle and pull back hard the front wheel comes up about 6-12 inches..then falls. Forget 2nd gear wont do at all. You guys must have some more torque than mine or maybe my slightly longer wheel base is the issue. I am 170lbs 6'2"
my stock 9r would power up easily in first, race ecm n factory race pipe. it was an o3 also, however wen i changed the pipe it refused till i did some pressure playing
i want to start to practice wheelies on my xb12s (stock)

but at how muth rpm should i pop the clutch to get it up (not up tp balancing point)?

For learning I recommend not using the clutch because even on a stock Buell they pull hard enough that they will wheelie with roll ons easily in first and second gear and possibly third for some (some muscling and pre-loading required).
I don't see anyone in this thread with an XB12Ss. That extra 4" of swing arm makes it a little less prone to lifting on me, but she still does it every now and again when I'm a little too excited off the line :)

1st to 2nd, yeah, it'll kick up a few inches on me. 2nd to 3rd, not a chance. I mean, I guess if I preloaded the crap out of the forks... but I don't need to go there.

I really haven't even been riding for that long, so the Ss is working out perfect for me. I like giving her everything she's got and not having to worry about the front end comin' up on me... much ;)
To anyone trying to learn how to wheelie start in 1st and practice power wheelies just lift it a lil and set it back down. One thing I didnt see anyone mention, ALWAYS COVER THE REAR BRAKE. Tap the rear brake to stop you from going over backwards. Stunt bikes are set up with rear brake handles thats why those boys can have both feet free.
These guys are talking about pre-loading the front end to help it come up. Thats why you see them "bouncing" it up on the vids. So in first gear run it up to like oh idk 4,500 rpm then let off of the throttle to get the font end to "compress" down and then floor it. It should pick up, stay in the gas enough to not flip over backwards, and if you get outta the throttle and its still going backwards tap the rear brake. the balance point is very far back tho, chances are you wont find it for a while.
you should not have to preload it in first gear. you just have to grow some balls and punch it at about 4 grand with a slight tug at the bars. if it doesnt work sit back on the seat a little farther. 2nd gear you need to either preload it or dump the clutch
Your positioning is important as well. I was having problems at first because when I really rip into the throttle I shift my weight forward as if by instinct. Once I realized this and made a conscious effort to maintain a neutral body position in regards to weight distribution, I had a lot easier time of it. Try scooting back on the seat an inch or so.

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