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I'm not talk'n a foot here. I'm talk'n standing it up tp balancing point??? It won't and I've ridden several. Heck even help run Demo's at the dealership some time back. Those bikes as well won't and those are the factory demo bikes. My Tuber wouldn't and that had some slight work done and my 9 won't either. They all will with just a slight amount a clutch running at 4200 rpm.

Come to homecoming and come to my bar Thursday night. I have Erik Buell playing for everyone and I'll let you use either my 9 or 12 and if you can do it I'll buy you a drink of what ever you want. If you can't a bunch and I mean a bunch of Bueller's will be there to see. Good luck
I'm not talk'n a foot here. I'm talk'n standing it up tp balancing point??? It won't and I've ridden several. Heck even help run Demo's at the dealership some time back. Those bikes as well won't and those are the factory demo bikes. My Tuber wouldn't and that had some slight work done and my 9 won't either. They all will with just a slight amount a clutch running at 4200 rpm.
Thanks I kind of figured there was a answer.
You can ask every single person I have ever ridden with, and also ask most of the service guys at my shop. The back of the shop is right off the off-ramp of the freeway, they saw it quite frequently. Just a '03 XB9R with a race kit and airbox delete. Nothing special.

And yes, I would love to come to Homecoming, but I am not going that far across the country again just to prove you wrong and drink for free at your bar :D. A lot of it is in the preloading. I can remember only a time or two where I hardly preloaded and got a full stand out of it. I never said I am just rolling onto the throttle and getting it to stand on end. I dont know if you are reading it properly
Not an arguement with me. I have what...6 friends thats race Buell's...there bike don't and won't. My two won't.There personal bikes don't and for some reason your 9 will. Please come to Homecoming. You'll have a good time meet alot of people. Hell I'll have a couple of the racer's there that night. Hell Erik will be there. You'll prove me wrong and be around the one thing ya love....Buell's and the people that ride them.I can afford you to drink my beer or Booze It'll be worth it to me. You couldn't drink enough to hurt my wallet. I don't need to ask your friends and co-workers. I've done a stoppie as lond as Craig Jones...don't believe me ask my friends. Kinda seev what I'm saying.
Well, all I can say is I have done it with witnesses, and many at that. But I know where you are coming from when any Joe Blow can talk his mouth off about being able to ride. If I could ride at this point right now and had the time to come to Homecoming I would gladly do it. I would even bring my old Buell crew from Minnesota and come down and hang with you guys. I would give anything to ride right now. Hell, I would give anything just to be able to walk like a normal person and not be in pain trying to do so. Its just not in the cards at this moment.
Man.... what happened to you??? Thats sucks hope you'll be alright. I know I can come off hard sometimes but I'm not a bad guy. Seriously though if ya can't ride you can still hangout. Offer is open any time.
I also power wheelies in second gear with no use of clutch! Mine are sit downs and i'm not talking foot tall power wheelies...I'm doing it on an xb12s with a firebolt tail! I run it up in the rpms dump out and snap back int the throttle she comes up sometimes a little to quick.
So I cant get my bike to hit a balance point. BadS1 Im going to have to agree with you so far, you have to clutch it and its hard as **** to keep it up. I dont want to fuC$%p my clutch, it just seem to be worth it. Guess Ill jsut keep playing in the cornners.
Thanks All
I can't get my 9r to wheelie in second gear, even with clutch... Is it not running right?
First gear either my 9 or the my 12 will power all the way. 2nd though the clutch has to be used. Around 4500 0r so let the clutch fly and a hand full and she goe's up no problem. The 9 is just aliitle more work.
Yeah, first gear will stand all the way up, no clutch...not really a roll-on though. I have to run up the rpm's, get out of it, and crack it open...right up.
Maybe I just don't have the clutch/throttle right in second?
Ok I read what BPG and BadS1 have said. BPG is a big guy, did either of you 2 consider weight of the rider? BPG being a big dude can preload the piss out of his suspension, and with good weight control I'm sure he can roll on in second. Like BadS1 said he has friends who race and can't, well most pro riders are smaller framed hence they dont get enough preload, and don't have enough body mass to muscle the bike up. I'm sure what BPG does is similar to a friend of mine who rides a Super Hawk 1000. He can roll on in second and third, by using his body position. He gets the revs up, stands up, and drops the throttle a bit, jams it, and as it pops he drops his ass back towards the rear of the bike till it gets to the height he wants. Then stands up and rides it out.

I dont want to get into a pissing contest and I respect both you guys, but neither one of you mentioned rider size. This is the same reason I can easily get the front up with the misses on the back ( only done a couple times, its dangerous and she gets pissed off ) Not that shes a fat ass but an extra 100lbs is more than enough over the back of the bike to help alot.
Just my .02 and an awesome post !! [up][up][cool]
I'm not that big of a guy but that is the method to my madness. THats how I do it is by shifting my body weight.