Ok I read what BPG and BadS1 have said. BPG is a big guy, did either of you 2 consider weight of the rider? BPG being a big dude can preload the piss out of his suspension, and with good weight control I'm sure he can roll on in second. Like BadS1 said he has friends who race and can't, well most pro riders are smaller framed hence they dont get enough preload, and don't have enough body mass to muscle the bike up. I'm sure what BPG does is similar to a friend of mine who rides a Super Hawk 1000. He can roll on in second and third, by using his body position. He gets the revs up, stands up, and drops the throttle a bit, jams it, and as it pops he drops his ass back towards the rear of the bike till it gets to the height he wants. Then stands up and rides it out.
I dont want to get into a pissing contest and I respect both you guys, but neither one of you mentioned rider size. This is the same reason I can easily get the front up with the misses on the back ( only done a couple times, its dangerous and she gets pissed off ) Not that shes a fat ass but an extra 100lbs is more than enough over the back of the bike to help alot.
Just my .02 and an awesome post !! [up][up][cool]