I know this subjects been pretty dead, but I was looking over it, and noticed there was not a whole lot of accurate information. Heres what I copied off the ECM tuning guide. Its found here.
And as you can read it works for 2007 and later models.
To see the actual table that I believe you see in ECM Spy on your laptops, jsut go to page 28 of that tuning guide. It doesn't show up when I copy paste it. Best of luck with the modding.
5.4 Noise Abatement Logic
The XB9 bikes up to and including 2007 model included logic to retard the ignition timing at
conditions corresponding to noise test points.
This results in a flatspot at around 3000 RPM.
The simple way around this is to remove the speed input to the ECM, this is a white wire on the grey
ECM connector, and hence this modification has become known as The White Wire Mod.
The ECM uses this as one of the criteria for retarding the ignition to meet noise legislation and hence
the function can be muted in the ECM.
5.4.1 Logical disconnection
Logical disconnection involves setting the [Spark Advance Retard Configuration] byte to turn the
function off. This is defined in Figure 16. A typical configuration for the function turned ON is shown
in Figure 17, a typical configuration for the function turned OFF is shown in Figure 18. Note the
unsetting of bit 1, ‘Activate on WOT transition’. Turning off this one bit is a surgical operation,
however setting the whole byte to zero works equally as well, and is used on the Parts and
Accessories (P&A) Race ECMs.
Stop accel enrichment when activated
Enable ramp out
Deactivate when no accel
Deactivate when leaving WOT
Use initial values
Activate only if accel and WOT
Activate on WOT transition
Activate on accel
Figure 16 [Spark Advance Retard Configuration] byte definition
1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0
Figure 17 Typical configuration for the function turned ON
1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0
Figure 18 Typical configuration for the function turned OFF
5.4.2 Physical disconnection
1. Locate the ECM
2. Remove the grey connector
3. Remove seal and place somewhere safe
4. Carefully prise out the orange retainer using a small electricians screwdriver (indentations already
there to help on the sides)
5. Locate the white wire at pin 8 (small numbers are present on the back of the connector)
6. Pull on the white wire whilst holding back the locating tag inside the plug
7. Once removed, refit the orange retainer, replace the seal and plug the grey connector back into the
8. You MUST insulate the removed terminal as it's connected to the VSS and speedometer
(heatshrink is good) and then cable tie it back to the loom.