hell yeah those are nice boots, Id wear those! Id have to use Icon knee armor though.. I guess two sets of Knee protection never hurt anybody.. Im gonna put those bad boys on my list.
Crash, I don't wear full leather either, its too hot in Florida, Just wear my hard armor OVER cycle-friendly clothes and just go with that.. during cooler weather I wear the same set up but with my Icon Contra jacket over my field armor, the back protection and elbow protection is redundant so I took it out, just leaving the shoulder bumpers inside the jacket.. its a good system Icon seems to be all modular. Ive also found that long-sleeved "bicycle shirts" in the right colors, that you can get from Target work real well under Field Armor and it cant flap in the wind or bluw up your back.. Only problem with it is that it gives zero protection where ever you aren't armored.. it disintegrates on contact with tarmac . Ive just come to accept that in hot weather with Field Armor alone, you are just gonna have to deal with a touch of road rash on your love-handles and the shoulders.. but at least I do get a decent level of protection in most of the hard places on my body, knees, elbows, spine.head ect