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Not so much what he started,but the fact that we all can recall the shows cast is just sad.
Hey not so bad, I can usually remember any movie with hot chicks that can kick some ass too

iAM ACTUALLY 3 PEOple. jOKE'S on MySElf!!

wouldnt that make buellchick & nancy & the other bueller girls the angels !! NOW THAT WOULD BE A GOOD PIC !! Think the BUELL Angels Pose !!

I dont want to think of us guys or see any guys in the angels pose!

oh and X owns it again !
I know what movies to watch today thanks.
I would rather to think of us all as the A-Team, as mentioned by Buddha but here is a Charlies Angels man style, and in Iraq.

Come to think of it, A-Team does sound more macho!!!! I guess the " angels" reference was just a tad fruity ! Sorry guys ! [smirk]. MmMmMmMM ANGELS !!!!!
Xtreme------- stop showing these pics man ! It reminds me of when I opened my front door that day and was told I was looking at illegal images on the web ! I told all those dudes with their guns drawn that I was trying to help free all the animals in those images I was observing !
Awesome Extremlow! The real life call of duty! Thank you for serving our proud nation Sir! Cheers from Milwaukee [up][up][up][up][up]
So do you think Bin Laden is really a terrorist? ARE YOU SERIOUS JOBE ? your not a Obama loving, tree hugging , Prius driving vegetarian are you ? HELL YES HE'S A TERRORIST !!!!!!!!!!!!! [mad]
Jeremy Dearringer

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So do you think Bin Laden is really a terrorist?
No I don't

I say this with NO disrespect of the men & women who serve in thier countries armed forces..
I have friends that have served in Afghanistan/Iraq and respect them, not what they are doing..

When a goverment blatanlty lies aboot why they are going to war I tend not to believe them...

Usama Bin Laden was/is a CIA backed mujahadine assset that helped frustrate the Russians once upon a time...

With the heroin trade at almost a standstill under the Taliban until 2003 when the UN and other forces went in to oust the them, then for some reason over the last 7 years over 90% of the worlds opium now comes from Afghanistan (did the golden triangle not have the same problem in Vietnam)

Then there is that HUGE-MONGUS mineral deposit they 'found' last year (worth billions upon billions of $$$$$)....enough lithium to power every electric car that will be made and every laptop on the planet...
Sounds sketchy too me...

My father fought in WW2 as well as several uncles, my grandfather fought in WW1 and I almost went the miltary route...

I mention this because I really respect those who choose to don the uniform and fight for what they believe in, I appreciate the skills that the military can instill in people..
My beef is with the so called 'leaders' that lead us into war that end up benifiting their buddies with 'contracts' and have turned it into a profit making machine...

sorry for the rant all
^[up][up]let me add that as long as our goverment tries to control,overthrow,and manipulate middle east goverments.we will continue to be partially responsible for the terrorists and theyre actions.are founding fathers were the terrorists of their time.
it is all a viciuos circle that has and always will continue to the end of time, & its the new way that has & is the ever changing way of a form of conquering & power over people,
some have said the american & other governmants together are the new roman empire.
money is the true ruler of the world. who or whatever controls the most or moves the most is the puppeteer. it has many many names take your pick or make up your own, some have been- Manifest-Destiny, Devine rights, royalty, social status,supremacy, organize religion, top of food chain, absolutism, agathism , one world order/government, somatism/materialism, socialism, propagandist, pragmaticist,etc... etc.. etc...
pay no attenion to the man(or corporation/governemt) behind the curtain !

wow this thread went off the cliff quick !
Wow! Look what I started! LOL! I am not a tree hugger. I have just heard many different sidez. I am just a cunfused but still patriotic citizen. But I sure do love my buell. Been a Chopper guy most my life but picked up this beauty and man she's fun to ride. Cheers!


The Chinese want the rights to that region more than we do. Ought to let the Afghans mine it themselves and sell it to raise their GDP, then use that money to build up their nation and not ours.

That's my biggest gripe about the war is the unchecked spending on stupid ****.

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