it is all a viciuos circle that has and always will continue to the end of time, & its the new way that has & is the ever changing way of a form of conquering & power over people,
some have said the american & other governmants together are the new roman empire.
money is the true ruler of the world. who or whatever controls the most or moves the most is the puppeteer. it has many many names take your pick or make up your own, some have been- Manifest-Destiny, Devine rights, royalty, social status,supremacy, organize religion, top of food chain, absolutism, agathism , one world order/government, somatism/materialism, socialism, propagandist, pragmaticist,etc... etc.. etc...
pay no attenion to the man(or corporation/governemt) behind the curtain !
wow this thread went off the cliff quick !