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That's how I first met GoDuc, i was following (stalking) him since he was on a Buell and after following him for awhile noticed his brakelights weren't working. Rolled up next to him to tell him and the S.O.B blew me off only to meet him a couple weeks later.

that is true, i was thinking "does this ****** even know how brake lights work?!" haha

anyway when is another one of those cars/coffee things? we should all meet up and go
I believe cars and coffee was today. Wanted to go but got in late from Chicago last night and was really pooped out so I slept in. [smirk]
DUUUUUUUUDE!! I thought it was tomorrow! Ive already made plans to ride into town thinking it was tomorrow. I started looking online and just read it was today. eff!

Oh well, ill be there next month. Wallsxb, it's on the calendar. Maybe some of the DFW Buellers can make a showing out there?
Maybe some of the DFW Buellers can make a showing out there?
We definitely need to make an "all american sportbike" statement at that show with a bunch of Buells. That would be AWSOME ! The few there last time got quite a bit of attention.
07Bolt, It probably was you that I followed. It was a few months ago. It wasn't in aledo though. I passed the person on 920 in Weatherford, did a u-turn and followed them all the way to Peaster flashing my lights and honking my horn like a complete retard. Gave up in Peaster which is where I started. Just back tracked.
lol i remember that, i rode the 5 thru aledo when the weather got warm, ended up in weatherford and it got cold real quick, so i took off. thought i passed another buell on the 5 but wasnt sure.
GOduc said:
anyway when is another one of those cars/coffee things? we should all meet up and go

From the website:

"Cars and Coffee™ Dallas meets on the first Saturday of the month from 8:00am to 12:00pm."
I think I'm going to shoot for it. I need to meet some more folks.
Oh, and not to cross-promote forums, but is anyone on twtex.com (Two Wheeled Texans)? I know that they have several groups that meet regularly around the DFW area, as well as other parts of Texas.
Just realized I'm about 20 minutes away from where "Cars and Coffee" meets, so I pretty much have no reason not to go.
Next meet will be August 6th. I'm gonna try to make it - anyone else?

ya i want to go to one, i missed the last few, ill be sure and put up a post and get in touch with all the dfw poeple i know
Not to side track, but anybody in the DFW area (near Lewisville) have any paint for an XB frame and swingarm?
I'm in!

Augustus, you should ride to my place in sherman and we can ride down 289 into frisco then tollroad. It's an easy country ride. I'm at 289 and 82.

SilveradoTX, are you back up and running? How's the bike coming along?

netty2424, going to work on it today. Should be out riding around this evenining if all goes well. Picked up my parts yesterday after I got off work, felt like a kid on Christmas.
netty2424, going to work on it today. Should be out riding around this evenining if all goes well. Picked up my parts yesterday after I got off work, felt like a kid on Christmas.

Good stuff SilveradoTX, I know you're eager to get her back up and running.


Sounds good to me. PM me and we'll work out the details.

Will do!
Anyone know of anyone hiring in the DFW/ east Dallas area? I'm getting fed up with the oilfeild and would like to be at home with my family.

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