why are people so inconsiderate?

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wolf im not going to agree or disagree with you but posting that today of all days is REALLY REALLY FREAKING STUPID.[down]
I was responding to loki's last sentence, thus why it was a question

I simply was wondering if that's how he meant it, cause that's how it could read.

no disrespect to the service men and women simply a question.
I've had kids look at my bike and parents letting them walk around it but never have the let their offspring hop on it. If I'm there I will say it's OK if the parents want to set the kid on it for fun. Thankfully it's never happened to me.

Once I was parked outside of a Hooters and these guys backed their car into my front tire and pushed my bike back about a foot, bending my kick stand down to where it almost dropped the bike. A couple on the outside patio came inside to tell me, since they had seen me park. The dudes friends tried to say " how do we know it wasn't like that before"? I was ******* furious! I said look mother ******! They saw you *******! now don't move, I'm calling the cops! Luckily the guy who was driving had more sense.
i got backed into in a parking lot on my shadow (and i was on it) and the guy didn't even look. i had to chase his ass down with a broken shifter, lol i was running clapped out in second.
I meant it as a response to me serving the country since im in the army.

Ive had my friend back into my but lucky it wasnt hard enough to knock me down and only hit my tire.
any one watch "sons of Anarchy"...

specifically that episode where they take a picture of a squit on one of their hogs and then kicked his ass and say "never sit on another mans bike"
I was riding around with a girl on the back of one of my old Hondas one night. We stopped at a downtown park and sat on a bench, talking. Then, there was the sound of my bike falling over. Yes, some ******* came out of the shadows to knock my bike over. :mad:

I think if I ever caught someone sitting on my bike without permission I would ask where their car was so I could go sit in it or on it. :D
I never park my bike at a public place where i can't watch it all the time. People have no respect for other peoples property anymore.
there are a lot of people that dont have respect for others' property. I had gone into a Verizon store one day to get a replacement battery for my phone and a lady came up to me and asked if that was my bike outside. I told her it was, and then she told me that a man in a pickup truck had pulled in and scraped the side of it. I went out to find a broken mirror, foot peg and turn signal. I went outside just in time to catch the guy trying to pull out and drive off. He got out of his truck and tried to say that it wasnt him. When I asked for his insurrance he said he had none, so I reached in his truck and grabbed the keys out and waited for the cops that the verizon store called for me.
Ive never seen anyone messing with my bike yet And if I do I have no problem spending a weekend in jail. I did have a 2002 Celica gts that a women nail with her door because she apperently could fit her car in the 2 empty spots next to it and open her door to get her 400 pound ass out. I watched her do it and when I went up to her and asked her what she was going to do about the dent, she just said prove it and call the cops. I DON'T CALL COPS I GET EVEN. Lets just say when she came out of the store she must have had a hard time crawling across the passanger side, I caved in both the front and rear door on the driverside and left a note that said go ahead prove it. The owner of the store is a friend and the camras just weren't working that day go figure.
HAHA NICE!!! I love getting even especially to ******* like that. what did you do to cave the doors in? foot? or did you have a bat in your trunk?
Steeltoe boots I'm a forklift operator I have them on all the time. I don't do things like that all the time but I was trading the celica in on a tacoma a few days later and I had to do it with a dent.

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