That is why I do not recommend topic-starter to buy a Buell except he is OK to have this experience. I would recommend to add some money and buy a new EBR for cheap because I believe it should have less trouble.
A couple years ago I said my coworkers that I'm going to buy a Buell and they said me to not buy a Buell, but I did not follow their recommendations because I liked Buell design, they said I will have a bunch of trouble. I don't regret that I bought the Buell, but they were right, and now when I have this experience I would buy another motorcycle, I would prefer EBR. They had Buell too and they described owning Buell motorcycles as horrible experience.
If topic-starter wants to let him know why he needs a Buell it means he does not take responsibility on him about regrets he can meet, it means that those regrets can be really huge. I would say if he really needs Buell he would not ask someone why he needs it. So in this case it would be better to let him know about cons of owning a Buell.