Why is it so difficult to order parts from Harley?

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Well-known member
Aug 21, 2007
My clutch cable broke this morning (27k). So I'm thinking no big deal, call the dealer and get it ordered fast knowing it's going to be at least 5-10 days to come in, and no chance in hell it's in stock.

Well I cant order over the phone with a credit card. No I have to wait until next Wednesday to go in and order it in person when I have a day off.

This is ******* stupid if you ask me. At this point I'm furious. I mean, why? I order everything else with a credit card, WTF!!

I called the other local dealer in town and they informed me that they could only order parts for the Blast, not the other models. UGH!!!!!!!!

So yeah, my bikes parked for I'm sure the entire month of ******* April for a $35 part. I think I'm gonna run a tube down my pants and piss all over the dealership floor when I go to pick up the damn thing next month. The worst thing about a Buell is the Harley it's involved with.

If anyone knows a way to get parts without a Harley dealer I sure would appreciate it.
I needed a new one a few months ago and Fresno HD had one in stock. I was impressed.

They say that even the dealerships next to the warehouse have a 5-10 day wait. They've set it up so that all dealerships get parts at the same time with the same wait. For some reason, HD thinks it takes longer for Reno to get parts than it actually does. They receive stuff within 3 days.

I order all of my parts through LSHD1.com
Thanks for the link gbalias.

Oh and BTW, a search of "Buell clutch cable" does't come up with americansportbike in the first 5 pages, and it's all **** after that.

Im not new to this site or Buell gbalias so your comment was uncalled for.
man, i love my harley dealer other than the fact that they have no Buell parts in stock, which is fine because I can call and have something over nighted for free and pay for it over the phone then go pick it up.... That sucks for you man.
Keisersozae (btw, great name! Usual Suspects, awesome movie). Anyway, your story is what worries me most about my bike. I'm hoping nothing breaks on my bike!

Harley has a 7 year committment--i hope your experience isn't what its all about.

I hope some Buell orientated mechanics start cropping up in the SF area with in-roads on parts.

I love my bike--but ya, if what happened to you happened to me i'd be pissed too
I love my bike--but ya, if what happened to you happened to me i'd be pissed too

Clutch cables will break along with all kinds of things, it's expected, your dealer can make it easy or hard to own your Buell.

My dealer has been good at times but mostly bad.
Lately I've gone the Non-Harley route for parts. I use ASB.com as much as I can. They're customer service is wonderful, and I get my parts quick.
Mine snapped last year ordered from ASB paid a little extra and had it in three days. As for my dealer they treat me with respect and give me great service. I was in there a couple of days ago and the two parts guys were tellin me how they wish Hardley would bring back another line of Buells. guess it depends on where ya live. +1 for Toledo Harley
I know exactly what you mean. I've waited 2 1/2 weeks for a front muffler strap. I put a bandaid on it with 2 2 inch hose clamps to be able to ride. After waiting a week I finally went down to a local industrial hardware store and found the same brand straps in stock just sitting on the shelf. I ended up buying 2 of them for $5.35. I actually bought a different kind of strap so that I don't have to take off the muffler mount from the engine. They are just heavy duty hose clamps. Can't believe it takes over 2 weeks to get an off the shelf part at a hardware store.

I am glad with the exception of a few parts most everything can be replaced aftermarket or is similar to the Sportster 1200 engine.
Harley dealers suck so bad! I went into the biggest Harley dealer in the state (Vermont) and they basically told me go **** myself. They said, "yeah, drive to Manchester (NH) Harley, they can help you."

First, what the hell kind of customer service is that, second: Manchester Harley is like 5+ Hours from where I live. Ironically, I went to a Honda/Suzuki dealer for help (it was right in town) and I was like "Hah, I bet you dont get alot of requests from Buell owners." The guy at the service desk laughed, he said: "Actually I do, they have no place else to go." And proceeded to do what he could to help me.

I think that about sums it up.
Same story, the w/HD dealerships here in Denver. I feel like I'm pulling up on a moped or something...the looks and service is hilarious, non-existant. Need an oil cange from the HD dealership, 5 week wait and it costs like 130$

I go to a Honda dealer here in Denver now for most parts (brake pads, tires, oil filters, etc) and they are beyond helpful. In fact, I bought brake pads from them (rear 25$, front $23) and they installed them for FREE since I bought 2 tires (Pilot Powers) from them.
American Sportsbike. Great Buell specialists and enthusiasts.
For basic stock stuff, Chicago Harley and LSHD both offer 10% off online ordered parts, which defrays shipping. You have to know your parts number, though.
I go to a Honda dealer here in Denver now for most parts (brake pads, tires, oil filters, etc) and they are beyond helpful. In fact, I bought brake pads from them (rear 25$, front $23) and they installed them for FREE since I bought 2 tires (Pilot Powers) from them.
did you pay them to replace the tires also?
if so they didnt do you a favor, they already had the brake pads off in order to remove the tires.

i'm lucky to have a few hd dealers in my area within 2 hrs or so. three i think. if any of them give me this kinda **** i'll skip to the next.
yes they replaced the tires, but you dont take off the brake pads to change a tire bud.
that's odd... I called a local H-d dealer and they didn't have the clutch cable, so they looked up who did have it, and gave me their info. Called that dealer and told them I was referred to them for this part. They said okay if you can pay now I'll make sure it goes on the Ups truck today. Received it next day since they were only about 4 hours away
Actually, the HD dealer I bought my bike from is helpful--only thing is, they're 3 hours away. I've talked to a few of the dealers near me (SF) and they don't seem interested at all in servicing a Buell.--Except for Faultline HD. They seem to respect Buells.

Here's the thing--the rains will not return to the Serengeti (to use a metaphor) and parts/service for Buells will become a barren wasteland. So if service sucks now and parts are hard to come by now???...oh crap, what are we in for in 5 years??? That's what I worry about. I hope ASB thrives because it might be all we have left in 5 years.

I'm hedging my bets that parts won't become thaaat big a problem down the road. But now me got worry.
303, my point is they didnt cut you a deal, it may have come across like that, but they didn't. your supposed to unbolt the caliper to remove the wheels either way. it's only a sinch to have the pads removed from there. if they wanted to charge me to put on pads i'd tell them to stick it where the sun dont shine, gimme my keys and keep your parts. i'll do it myself.