Why So Passionate About Guns?

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All the mass shootings? Look at the size of the USA, it's the size of the entire continent of Europe. 330 million people and a few whackos get their hands on any weapon and there you go. Are you telling me people don't shoot each other in the UK??

The media reports a "mass shooting" in California (which was really a guy shooting 3 people, stabbing 3 people with a knife, and running over 3 people and killing 2 of them with his car) then reports a "mass shooting" in Virginia 6 months later and labels it an epidemic...horsesh!t.

One thing the Media never reports is that amount of lives that guns SAVE by stopping crime and allowing people to defend themselves.

I find it ironic you'd post something like this a few days after the D Day anniversary. Germany took over an entire, complacent continent in 2 years and it took 3 of the world's strongest powers to push them back within their borders.

Like it or not there is evil in this world. An unarmed citizen is a subject.
 In an article published a couple of years ago...

New data out from the UK, where guns are banned, shows gun crime has soared by 35 percent.

The Government's latest crime figures were condemned as "truly terrible" by the Tories today as it emerged that gun crime in England and Wales soared by 35% last year.

Criminals used handguns in 46% more offences, Home Office statistics revealed.

Firearms were used in 9,974 recorded crimes in the 12 months to last April, up from 7,362.

It was the fourth consecutive year to see a rise and there were more than 2,200 more gun crimes last year than the previous peak in 1993.

Figures showed the number of crimes involving handguns had more than doubled since the post-Dunblane massacre ban on the weapons, from 2,636 in 1997-1998 to 5,871.

Unadjusted figures showed overall recorded crime in the 12 months to last September rose 9.3%, but the Home Office stressed that new procedures had skewed the figures.

Shadow home secretary Oliver Letwin said: "These figures are truly terrible.

"Despite the street crime initiative, robbery is massively up. So are gun-related crimes, domestic burglary, retail burglary, and drug offenses.

"The only word for this is failure: the Government's response of knee-jerk reactions, gimmicks and initiatives is not working and confused signals on sentences for burglary will not help either.

"The figures will continue to be dreadful until the Government produces a coherent long term strategy to attack crime at its roots and get police visibly back on our streets."

Gun crime would not be cracked until gangs were broken up and the streets "reclaimed for the honest citizen by proper neighborhood policing", he added.
If the crazy's didn't have guns they would use something else. Oh wait they all ready do but the media doesn't make a big deal if a rock is used. :D

It's like dog attacks, more chihuahua bite more people and wound them than pit bulls. But a pit bites a kid that has been teasing it for years and it a dangerous breed... For the record I think all dogs are great but the owners ruin them.
Because I refuse to be hacked to pieces by a machete wielding jihadi (or any other lunatic for that matter) and besides its my right per the COTUS. No offense intended mate.

The Japanese had no plans to invade as an American educated ranking officer warned the emperor that there would be a rifle behind every blade of grass..............kind of keeps out the skousers (or it used to:()
I find them fun and interesting, simple as that.
Just because I like being able to go out with my kids for some fun.
Now those are honest & valid answers I can buy!

Not only are the old justifications that guns are necessary for freedom, safety, or protection statistically-questionable, but they are also humorous to the rest of the developed world which lives just as freely, safely, protected, & perhaps even less paranoid, without guns.

Nonetheless, I have great respect for the USA, I enjoy travelling there, & I love the people I meet when I visit. It's just that I feel much safer once I've returned home to a place where not everyone's packing! :D

Proof positive that the number of guns per capita has almost zero correlation with murder rates.

In the USA I've been the victim of 2 burglaries. One while I was not home....sucked. second time I was home and pointed a .40 at the intruder which got him on the ground in my own home long enough for the police to arrest him. He had a knife on him and I'm glad everyday that I was armed.
just because you feel safer doesn't mean you are safer.

That being said, you are entitled to your opinion and I respect you more than the people here who try and abolish our freedoms saying "it's for the children" - to whom I say, find another country instead of breaking ours.
I own guns, and cringe when I hear about misguided ignorant politicians passing laws that restrict 2nd Amendment rights. But I also have to laugh when people say "Citizens owning guns keep the government in check." "Gun ownership is the reset to the Constitution."

Tell me, what is your AR-15, Barrett .50, or AK-47 going to do when they drop a MOAB on you, or send a Tomahawk your direction? :D The age of the armed citizen militia being able to stand up to our government to force a change in political will or mandate are LONG past.
I disagree, look at Afghanistan as an example. Determined men with rifles and fertilizer based bombs have held off the US military for a decade.
All the mass shootings?  Look at the size of the USA, it's the size of the entire continent of Europe.  330 million people and a few whackos get their hands on any weapon and there you go.   Are you telling me people don't shoot each other in the UK??

The media reports a "mass shooting" in California (which was really a guy shooting 3 people, stabbing 3 people with a knife, and running over 3 people and killing 2 of them with his car) then reports a "mass shooting" in Virginia 6 months later and labels it an epidemic...horsesh!t.

One thing the Media never reports is that amount of  lives that guns SAVE by stopping crime and allowing people to defend themselves.
[up] to 303xb
WOW 30 replies so soon! Not surprised hence when I used the word 'passion' with the word 'gun'. I could answer some posts but I wont bother. It's interesting hearing your points of view.
Noobuel- I disagree, There a little more than 20 million Veterans in the US after the last two campaigns in the Middle East.
My work sent me to Guatemala for a month some years ago. The country was just wrapping up a civil war. There was a soldier on about every street corner with a fully auto weapon and grenades and so forth. One of my escorts, Knowing my military background asked me if I was uncomfortable not having a gun with me. I said no, I have plenty all around me that can be mine at anytime.

We have enough Veterans that know how to operate the very same equipment, that as long as we keep some arms, the rest will come available. No one said it would be easy if that day would come, but not impossible.
Anyone who thinks that a well armed US citizenry cannot deter government coup is simply ignorant to how these conflicts work and the specific dynamics at play in the U.S. Sure, a squad of citizens armed with ar-15's would be obliterated by a squad of fully geared infantry from the US military but who says that is what the battle field would look like? Does anyone honestly think the second the government tried to turn military guns on its citizens that the military would not be instantly crippled from the inside due to massive defection of soldiers who want to protect their families? How many tanks and heavy artillery would go missing? How many entire bases would become part of the "rebellion". Supplement that with millions are armed citizens and you have a very viable opposition. Most countries that can effectively suppress their citizens with the use of military force do not have the same military culture that the US does. There is mass support for our troops who themselves feel a massive obligation to the people. It is not so easy to turn one on the other as it might be for a country like Syria.

If the government wanted to control the citizens of a country like the US they would have to use the police instead of the military because the police already possess an us verse them mentality with citizens due to their daily jobs. The police are also not nearly as well trained or equipped. There has been a wave of militarization recently but nothing to the extent that would be necessary to control the citizenry. They would simply be so massively outnumbered that it wouldn't matter.

You also have to consider that generally a government wants a country and people to rule and if an opposition is strong enough they don't have to actually "win" the war because the cost of winning for the government would be so great that what would be left after the conflict would not be worth ruling. There are a lot more factors at play here then Joe Blow with an AR-15 vs the navy seal with full gear.
I like shootin' ****! (targets)

I also like the comfort that if an intruder tries to get in my house, I can reasonably protect myself with the assortment of guns and knives stashed around.

I have steel security doors and strong double-paned windows ~5ft above grade and a surveillance system. I've had two attempted burglaries where they tried to come in the windows while I was home. Something about lifting your head into that window and seeing a 12ga looking back at you scared the **** out of them.

Someone's since gotten my garage once and made off with my laptop and a few tools, but the camera's caught them (low-life's from down the road) and I got my **** back.

Whoever it was that said we wouldn't shoot another human...IDGAF...if you come inside my house by force, I'll blow your head clean off without a second thought, to protect my wife and kids. They know how to operate all the firearms as well, and do when we go target/trap shooting.