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If you make anything that resembles a Buell logo and try to sell it to anyone but HD they will sue your ass faster than you can say "Trademark: Harley David-who-gives-a-****". HD is one of the shadiest corporations out there, right there with Guitar Center.

That last part is an opinion, first part is true. Take it from the guy who has sold Harley merchandise at motorcycle rallies. They actually send reps to check up on your merchandise.
going to make it for myself, ain't sharing with anyone so there:p:D

yea, I know what we can and can not get away with....need to find my Calvin and Hobbs pic, pissing on HD!
Im no longer a Harley Hater.. I got to thinking about it and Harley did a lot for Buell. It was only one paper pusher in HD (who had never ridden a motorcycle himself) that closed down Buell and when he did that, Hero Motorcycles snapped him right up as the technology department. That would have never happened without Harley under Eriks belt. In the end, I think it was a good thing that Harley closed Buell, it freed up Erik to do what he does best... and the Indian guy who owns Hero is a real bike lover, he knows what hes got in Erik and is being good as hell to him. I got a feeling that the EBR/Hero relationship is gong to be a much better match than the Buell/Harley relationship... so it all kinda worked out for Erik. Erik is gonna be better off with a "enthusiast owned" company like Hero than he would be with a "bureaucratic monster" like Harley.
Its sad though that an American company screwed over one of their own.. but American companies are like that a lot of the time..
Honesty, for ME, it was the Harley connection that sold me on Buell. I have MANY HD friends....I have seen many twin cam engines apart and being built and always liked the four cam sporty engine. So....I fell in love the first time I rode Joe White's daughters XB9SX. Bought it on the spot. Although, by design and for sure power delivery, the Helicon engine is 'better', it lacks that all American sound and character of the air cooled Sporty based engines. I am NOT in any way bashing the Helicon....its a beautful engine. I will just always miss and long for the true XB's. :(
Yeah, agreed Gloom.

It was a good thing to get away from that bureaucratic monster. I actively endeavor to not give them any money. They may be "traditional" but they sure as hell aren't ethical, or even polite for that matter. Can't wait to see the things that the EBR/Hero partnership will push out for the world to enjoy over the next few years.
In the end, I think it was a good thing that Harley closed Buell, it freed up Erik to do what he does best...

it was the fashion in which they did it that, to this day, still irks me..............pink slips for every single Troy, WI employee the Monday before Thanksgiving? have a lovely holiday season, folks.