woops: a example of why not to work on your bike while drunk.

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Well-known member
Jul 28, 2008
So last night I purchased some new handlebars and grips. Then somehow on my way home I mysteriously found myself in the middle of a terrific ***** bar run. After enjoying myself and the company of several fine albeit chubby and/or old and/or pregnant and/or drunk and/or just plain ugly ladies - as the monday night shift in DC is hurting even in this desparate economy that one might imagine would drive up the competition at said gentlemen's establishments but has not so far that I can tell - I ventured back home eager to swap out my bars.

Well drunk as I was I had a bear of a time removing everything: brake, clutch, throttle, grips. Once I finally dismantled all of it with all sorts of wrenches and KNIVES I realized I was too drunk to put it back together. So when I woke up this morning to assess the damage and catch the bus since now I have no other way to work, I basically encountered a pile of parts on the floor of my garage and cables dangling everywhere. OH, and all my brake fluid leaked out onto the floor.

So... now that I'm sober, is it THAT hard to put that sh*t all back together? My manual is at home and I imagine it gives good instructions but I'm a little stressed. Can I just unscrew that break fluid resevoir and fill it back up? Are there going to be serious cable adjustments most likely?

What an idiot. Oh, and to avoid accurate although potentially annoying posts I have to make it clear that I was fortuneatly taking a cab from stop to stop as I didn't have a bag that would hold my handlebars if I were to have ridden to get them so I didn't ride drunk.

As long as the reservoir wasn't hanging below the level of the brake lines to let air leak into you're brake lines, you may be fine.

But since it was leaking, there's a good chance you've got air in your brake lines. Be sure to Properly bleed them.
I love a guy who'll go online and confess his stupidness to the whole world COMPLETELY unnecessarily...

That's precious...

On reputation point to you.

Robtk! a.k.a. "Special K"

"Stupid is as gearless drunken Bueller does"

--Forrest "Lightning" Gump
Haha if you search basket case harley on ebay you can find bikes to buy that are in pieces.

It won't be to hard to put back together. Deffinately bleed your brakes, be sure to use DOT4 fluid. Your cables are highly unlikely to be out of adjustment from being removed, unless you messed with adjustment while removing them. The knives part has me a little worried though. If you were closer I'd give you a hand. You should be alright dude.
fyi, brake fluid can ruin paint and some other finishes. make sure you clean that up good.

+1 for bleeding the brakes with new DOT4, do the job right otherwise you'll be posting next on how to get rid of 'spongy' brakes :D
lol I just have this picture in my head of someone trying to take off the clutch harness with two butterknifes held together in a makeshift wrench....lol us Buellers are a different breed...
thanks all.. i'm feeling much less stressed/depressed about the situation today.. i haven't been back home but tomorrow i'll bleed the brakes with the dot4 and get her back together.. more than anything i just feel bad i disrespected my bike so badly, she's gotta know it's cause i love her though.. ****, i even thought about installing a pocket pussy or fleshlight into the airbox so i could make love to her at stoplights.. the sucking action would probably feel great. if i get around to it i'll DEF post pics. oh and i think i only used the knive to carve off the left side grip that was either glued or melted on..

thx again!
LOL, ignore Thaloc, if you ACTUALLY do that pocket pussy thing post up some pics.

Just make sure they are:

1. Not "action" shots

2. Before you Use It!

Also, if you do that, never EVER tell us How MUCH or How OFTEN you 'LoVe' your buell...
Buellxb9s,do you at least have any pics of the raped bike the morning after? Trust me,you are not the only 12oz mechanic out there,just one honest enough to admit to it.Hell I think I even did the Jack-n-Coke all nighter to ride the next day,but I honestly donn't remember:D
so i finally put that sh*t all back together and bled the brakes wasn't quite as neat and easy as it looked to do the first time but i think now i could swap it all out with ease.. the bars i got were a little wide so i ended up having to cut off about an inch on each end.. the only thing i'm concerned about is i feel like i'm hearing a different noise coming from the front brake i think.. it's kind of like a buzzing or whizzing and gets louder when i pull the brake.. not sure if like a little air is getting out or somethin.. they feel really stiff so i'm not that worried.. just got a new camera so i'll post picks soon of any upcoming adventures or sexual experiences with my bike.