Would like some help please

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Well-known member
Apr 23, 2007
I have these spot lights that i am going to use behind a new front end and i want to use the original light switch and wire them so they are both on the low beam setting. I have a set of PIAA 1400 i want to use as high beams later through the high beam switch.
I am not electrically minded and i am trying to learn by reading that dummies book but i am not grasping it just yet.
What i am asking is would it be possible to wire and power these lights through the connector plug behind the fly screen or does it mean a whole re-wire and could some one tell me how or give me an idea on what to do.
Thanks a lot for any help or input.

If you're not using the original lights anymore, you could use the connector from that and splice the wires together.

Headlight mod

That will show you which wires on our lights do what.

Hope this helps.
I actually did that mod with my originals but these lights have a relay and wasn't sure if i have to run that through the system and that fuse.
If you're going to use the stock connector from the original lights...All you need to do is wire the lamps up to the connector.

The relay that comes with the set is if you were going to set it up on that separate switch. The bike is 12volts and the wiring goes to our fuse box so you really don't need to double up.

You can test them out before hooking everything up.

"The black is a ground, the yellow is low beam, white is high beam, and orange is for the running light."

Put one of the wires into the yellow wire slot of the connector and the other in the black and turn the ignition on.

You could also run a fuse in between the hot wires if you are afraid of blowing the lights.

This is what I did.
Let's see if I got this straight, you want the lights you posted the diagram for, to come on in the LOW beam position.

Do you want those lights AND the PIAA lights on at the same time in the HIGH beam position? Or the HIGH beam position dedicated to the PIAA lights only?
Hi guys... thanks for the info-
STEVENC150- yes i want to have the lights run as i have the stock now..... i did the re-wire mod so both lights are on with the high beam, but will this over load the system with these types of lights?
Again, thanks lads.
I'm going to run what I have in mind, by some of the Pro Electrical guys at work, but it seems to be really simple. I'll get back to you if someone doesn't cover you before then. Edit: Can't really give a Full step-by-step without seeing the PIAA wiring diagrams.

Last thing I want to do is post up something that's going to have you blowing fuses and crap. ;)
Thanks a lot Steven, wasn't expecting this amount of help so again thanks.
Work had me in at stupid o'clock this morning but i'll scan those intructions later.
Cheers mate
OK, here are the instructions for those PIAA lights. The harness is pretty much plug and play but is long enough to put on an 18 wheeler. I have got good at cutting and splicing as it looks like this will need it.
Again, thanks mate.
For 1st diag. (Low beams) you're adding, you can bypass that relay & everything since the Orange wire is already worked by your Key Switch. Simply cut the White wires for each headlight off of the PIAA relay connector. Run them together into the Orange coming from your bike. Add an inline 20 amp. fuse between the White wires & Orange. And then it's Black to Black and you're golden.

The 2nd diag. (High beams - Fog lights), I can't hardly see what is what. I think posting them on BuellXB distorts/resizes them. Could you email it to me @ My Email and I'll see what I can do with them.
Okay, after seeing the diag. without distortion, looks very simple as well. Everything goes according to the diag. besides connecting the PIAA White w/Red Dots wire to the White wire coming out of you Buell. No need for an inline fuse since it looks like PIAA already has one on the White wire.

Post up if you find you have questions. Hope all this lighting isn't going to be too much of a strain on your electrical system. Good luck and post up results.
Thanks for all you input, you've been really helpful.
I have your email address if i can think of any questions but you seem to have covered alot.
Now i just have to think of a way of attaching that front end to the bike and i'm set.
Again thanks mate and also to FLAYA564.
Cheers lads.