I've been working away at this project. The Radiantz lighting for the tail is on order. They should be here Tuesday. I've been laying up carbon fiber for the HyperCharger insert. I intend to mount the electronics in the airbox as I did in the following picture. It's from
another project HERE. But the HyperCharger takes up more space.
The battery from that project probably will not fit. So, I'm going another route. I've been exploring different battery technologies. I built an
electric drift trike HERE to study them. With the lack of battery space on this project, I needed to get creative. The 03-05 frames have the hole in the frame we all know about. So, I've been exploring the idea of building a battery pack to fit in that hole.
So, I tore apart a old laptop battery pack to get to the 18650 cells. I then got back on the computer to print out some battery spacers. Here's the result.
This is a test pack for fitting. And as you can see, they do fit! Each pack of 8 is 2.5" high. That hole is 7.5"-8" depending on if your measuring the front or back of it. So I'll be dropping in it 3 packs of 8 cells for a total of 24 cells. They will be wired as 4S6P to give an average of 12 volts. I would be using new cells of course. In theory it should all work out. My Antigravity battery has 16 18650 cells in it. It starts my other bike fine.
When I start that project, I start a new thread for it and log my progress.