XB with VRod Throttle Body and Injectors...

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Well-known member
Oct 6, 2008
I have been working on this for six-months plus.

Today I down loaded the '04 XB12 Race Eeprom, reset the TPS and she fired right up!!
Hey dave,

I need to resolve the air cleaner question, plus the ECM is still learning.

Just as soon as the air cleaner is answered, I'll be riding!!

Just put a blower scoop on it and put it on top of your air box cover. That way every one knows its not your normal motorcyle then.:D
Looks good. Keep us updated as you make progress. +1[up]
Maybe you could put a right angle on both stacks, then T them together to 1 cone filter? You may have to cut the stacks down.

Dont forget to relocate the MAF sensor! Its important for the ECM's learning. It should be intake reading air pressure

If you're talking about the black unit on the T/B (MAF), my '04 does not have one. The '06 VRod Throttle Body had one and it looked like the Buell's, so this setup should support the later XB's.

I just removed it and filled the area.
I'm talking about the mass air flow sensor mounted inside the original filter. Its important that its mounted in the intake [up]

Yep thats the IAT inlet air temp sensor. It tells the ecm how much to add for the cold start enrichment and the ambient air temp for the AVF corrections.
That is an air temp sensor. Good work point doc. I've been following this on the other forum. I'm glad to see it all come together.
Someone should sticky this temporarily until this project is finished. It might be a good reference for someone else to do the same thing if it works out positively.
I like this project! Is there a chance that you would put it on a dyno when finished? I'd like to see what kind of gains you'll get...
I currently am thinking about a dyno, I also would like to see if there is any gains.

Pics NP, I have many. I could post the entire process with pics or you could be more specific with what you would like to see.
That is awesome, I always thought the Buell throttle bodies seemed a bit small..
ok, for the non mechanical/technical persons like myself. What will this do?

This projected started from the idea that I would like to someday install a "Big Bore" kit.

During the research of kits, I concluded that the OEM fueling system may be in question in its ability to support this mod.

This is my solution to the fueling question.



