There is no white and red color combo. Like there is no black and blue stock color combo. All bikes opf the like have swapped plastics. Iv been on the look out forever for someone to trade my white plastics for their black, so i can have black and blue. Dave and I, years ago were going to trade, then I got flakey due to work, and he got someone else to trade with(I assume, tho he may have just bought the while plastics)
So Ill throw this outthere, if anyone wants to trade their black 'bolt plasticcs, for my white, or just sell me an entire set of black...
If riding a buell wasnt unique enough, i want a color combo no one else has, specially as I hear there is now another white/blue 'bolt intown, if i pull upnext to him at a stop light, ill pop myself in the face