XB12R - Err Code 13 - Demons under the hood

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My xbr1200 is doing the same thing, gets warm and run's like dog......., got a 13 code followed by a21 code which is not on the code sheet, anyone got a clue as to what the heck a 21 code refers to?

Ground issue. ECM ground was no good. Moved grounding directly to frame, reset AVF and TPS, then took it out for a 20 mile test run - no CEL. I was thrilled.

Thank you for everyone's help on this!
Let me clarify something, I double grounded from the negative ground directly to the frame, never did I think that the ECM wasn't getting a good ground based on the fact that I thought the ECM was directly grounded to the negative ground towards the back of the bike. Turns out, nope.
You can never go wrong with too many grounds. I work on a lot of British bikes and cars,,, Lucas Electrics are known as the "Prince of Darkness" 3 positions of a Lucas lighting switch are "Off, Dim, and Flicker"
So, i add grounds for all components, Next to each part (Headlight, taillight, indicators, reg/rect., Electronic ign brain box, etc etc) I run dual grounds,,one right to the frame or brackets its attch too and a second wire running to a central ground, usually at the main frame structure near the battery location.
So, it seems to me, especially with such a voltage and current sensitive bike as these Buells are,,,, that extra grounds and updated grounds are very important. Also, dont take your connections for granted. Motorcycles are all "Built to a price point" in other words,, compromises are made. Consider better grades of wire, and terminals, learn to use a multi meter. and add a voltage gauge to your bike. I would bet the above problem would have some indications with fluctuating voltage readings. Clearly the connections were heat sensitive.
How can you tell the difference between recent fault and archival faults and how dows one clear them from the ECM?
Have been following this thread for sometime and have found it to be valuable and have tested and tryed most everything suggested here, however the bike runs fine until warm then runs like dog..... Am wondering if there is a market available diagnostic software I can use with my laptop, and will it clear faults?
How can you tell the difference between recent fault and archival faults and how dows one clear them from the ECM?

recent faults are cleared when the error is not present any more. historic faults are cleared with the software or after 50 starts with no error present.

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