xb9 good comuter?

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That is round trip. I'm not buying it ,its a swap for my Harley-Davidson chopper. Hopefully by the weekend I'll have either the xb9 or xb 12 s. Thanks for the tire suggestions.
256 miles a day, 4 hours a day on the road, 5 days a week...my '03 xb9s was just fine on the freeway and city streets, well thanks to white lining in Cali during traffic:D
That's ALOT of riding man! Your bike paid for itself in gas savings after the first month lol!
90 miles round trip daily? On a bike with 5 gears? Uh yeah I 've had my 12scg for 5 years now and if I had to commute(or vomit) that far I would not be owning a Buell anymore. Just my .02
My vote is a screaming no on this one. Buells just aren't highway bikes. I hate the highway part of my commute.

It'd need a 6th gear to be considered. At 75-80mph, there's just too much engine braking and noise. The engine's at 4000rpm, and pushing harder than a cruiser bike should.

I get ~35mpg mixed. If I cut out the highway and take side roads, I get 40mpg because I can go 55mph. Above that, fuel economy plummets.

Awesome bikes, but designed for city/twisties/mix. 90 miles would be fatiguing on one. I'd pick up a touring bike on the side.
that trek was mainly freeway...2 refills per day just to be sure I'd make it from home to work and back...once the low light came on as I made it to my exit 2 blocks away from home, was hot dogging that day:D

yea, my A$$ was numb after that, but it was still an awesome ride back and forth through the Cajon Pass, especially coming down the grade in the #1 lane just laying her over in the longest damn curve I've ever been in:D:D:D that grin is on my face just thinking about it!

come on fellas, don't you love your Buell like I do? or did you forget to "ride it like you stole it?"
An XB9/12 is going to give you better MPG than most, if not all, current 600 and 1000 inline-4s. Considering the best that most of those bikes gets is mid 40s, that is my "around town in traffic" low average. I've seen 68 MPG slabbing it between 70-90 mph. If it's over 80 out and you get stuck sitting in a lot of traffic, you will roast your nuts, but I've had Jap 4s overheat stuck in traffic too.
I'd go for the 12.

Great commuter bike. I have a similar commute and i do it everyday on my 12. Great gas milage. The low end torque is great around town. (i spend 90%of my time at ~2,250 rpms)

The low maintainence is great too. Motorcycle maintainence normally sucks (valve shimming, chain maint, etc.) when you're putting on lots of miles every week.

you wont see much beter gas milage with the 9 btw. the longer stroke of the 12 keeps the revs down and the mpg's up.

might as well spend the extra bit of $$$ for the 12!
68mpg? how? Where's the "call shenanigans" button?

I'm 6'7", but wind resistance can't be hurting me THAT much. I get 35-40mpg