So, I posted a couple weeks ago about a charging issue I was having. I thought I had that fixed, then on my way to work this morning the bike was cutting in and out on me and eventually died. I would get it running and go a few feet, then it would die, and that happened several times. It started to backfire pretty badly and was riding really rough. I got it to a parking lot and hitched a ride the rest of the way to work from the lady of the house.
I go with my friend at lunch to check everything out. First thing I do is check the terminals, the positive was pretty loose, so tightened that up, checked voltage on battery (12.3) and then went to start it. It started right up. I think, great, just a loose battery, so I have my friend rev the engine up to 3K while I check to make sure the charging system is good to go. It gets over 13V, so we're good to go. He releases the throttle, the bike stutters and dies. I try to get it going again, it takes a few tries, starts, backfires a few times, dies. This happens a bunch, and on one theres some balck smoke coming from the airbox cover. Is it that I got a bunch of crap in there when it was misfiring and stuff originally? Did I blow the engine? It sounds like the engine is choking due to fuel and/or air. I'm new to bikes in general, and am quite worried. Any advice? I'm gonna have to probably trailer it back to my house this evening.
I go with my friend at lunch to check everything out. First thing I do is check the terminals, the positive was pretty loose, so tightened that up, checked voltage on battery (12.3) and then went to start it. It started right up. I think, great, just a loose battery, so I have my friend rev the engine up to 3K while I check to make sure the charging system is good to go. It gets over 13V, so we're good to go. He releases the throttle, the bike stutters and dies. I try to get it going again, it takes a few tries, starts, backfires a few times, dies. This happens a bunch, and on one theres some balck smoke coming from the airbox cover. Is it that I got a bunch of crap in there when it was misfiring and stuff originally? Did I blow the engine? It sounds like the engine is choking due to fuel and/or air. I'm new to bikes in general, and am quite worried. Any advice? I'm gonna have to probably trailer it back to my house this evening.