I pulled this over from Cooters thread,
It sounds like you are describing slow cranking not slow "starting". Yes?
If so, it's pretty common for a high compression V-twin like a Buell. Thats why they recommend a 220CCA battery and not the cheaper 200CCA versions.
You can use a trickle charger (and you should), but put it on a timer so it shuts off for about half a day everyday and it shouldn't overcharge and fry the battery. Floating ground chargers (especially cheap ones) can over heat and dry out a battery.
If the battery is a cheap one or it's just getting old, try the Lunaticfringe Invented Pressing Starter (L.I.P.S.), Buell Operation Over Battery System (B.O.O.B.S.):
Turn on the ignition and run switch, press the starter button for a fraction of a second and immediately release it and press it again and hold it until is starts. This will let the piston butt up against the compression in the cylinder then bounce back and you can use that momentum to now get it over TDC.