XBSs for 1125Cr??

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Well-known member
Mar 22, 2011
Hey guys,

I have an 09 XB12Ss right now that I love, but I found what I think to be a super great deal for an 1125Cr. My bike has 5600mi, air box mod, ebr ecm, Drummer exhaust, tail chop, and custom windscreen. The 1125 is stock except for a lengthened windscreen and has with a little of 1k on it. Never ridden an 1125, but they look sweet and it'd be nice to have that excess power. As far as riding stance, I was going to install Clubman bars on my XB, so the more aggressive ride of the 1125 wouldn't be a huge jump. Anybody have any comments on this? Your $.02 would be appreciated. And for all you XB'ers out there, like I said, I love mine, but the more I look at the Cr, the more I want it. I live in Lubbock, Tx and the nearest Buell dealer is in Dallas, so I can't just go hop on one and ride. There are only a few Buellers here and they all ride Firebolts. This Cr is in Austin, Tx and I am going there on the 22nd to float the river and quite possibly make a deal on a new Buell!

Comments, feedback, concerns, and even criticism welcomed :)
well one thing youre going to have to think about is the fact that the CR is not going to be as reliable as your XB. mine has had a stator failure and has had the clutch cover replaced 3 times due to clutch weep. also have had kickstand parts fall off and various other issues. thank god i have a 5 year extended warranty.

i only had the clubman bars on for a short time before switching to the tall bars. clubman bars might be sexy and tempting but if you do a lot of urban riding, it gets old really quick.

overall the XB and the CR (with tall bars) are somewhat different but also close enough that i sometimes feel like i should get more variety with my bikes. sure the CR owns the XB at sweepers and anything over 80+mph but the XB owns everywhere else. it gets better gas mileage too. also with the XB's its nice to know that if i crash it, parts are easy to come by and relatively cheap.

i would imagine that since you have the SS, the handling will be even more similar than my XBs.

oh BTW, i have an 03 XB9s, an 08 XB12s and an 09 CR.
I couldn't see in the pics, but the Cr I'm lookin at does have the high bars instead of the Clubmans. So that's a plus. Do they make that big of a difference? I rode my buddies R awhile ago with Clubmans and they didn't seem too bad. I like the more forward stance because it helps with the wind. I'm always fighting the winds here and sitting nearly upright strains the crap out of my neck and back. I think I could handle the strain better on my wrists. The Cr's just look mean IMHO. I know some people don't like the pods, but I think they look sweet; like a 65 GTO with a blower lol. I'm going to have to read up on them more because if I'm going to have to endure a bunch of maintenance issues, I'll stick with my Lightning.

Thanks for your reply btw! Nobody has replied yet and I thought for sure this would turn into a big thread.
ya every now and then i think of getting rid of the CR (its the 1st one on the chopping block if one had to go) but damn if it doesnt bring a smile to my face when i ring the throttle
You got to ask yourself,"do I like Power or Torque?"
Well do you Punk? (dirty harry) I love my XB but took a ride on 1125R with a D&D pipe and WOW! Where the XB ends the 1125 brings on the power! Yes when I ride the XB I can out stuff any brand in the corners but it is nice to be cruis'n on the 1125 and know I can pull the trigger any time and be competitve anytime anywhere with the rising sun productions. And the 1125 motor is evolving at EBR..the XB is done.
Power ot torque?!?!? My 1125 wins in both categories, compared to the XB 1203's. But my 1125 is considered an XB on the title.;)
My buddy has an R and I rode it several days ago to see if I'd like the riding style and power; yeah, I liked it! lol, not to mention that the Cr's have lower gearing, so they'll pull even harder than his R in the short run. I've been tryin hard to sell my XB bc I found a couple Cr's, but the bites have been limited and I refuse to sell it for nothing. Guess I'll just have to cross my fingers and wait and see. Thanks for the replies guys!
if you got the money i would keep the xb and get the cr. thats what i want to do eventually. i dont think i will ever sell my xb
Yeah, that'd be nice to do, but since I'm a poor college student at Texas Tech, I can't have 2. I'm willing to my XB. I can always find another one; there's a lot more out there than Cr's. I need to get a Cr while the mileage is still low on'm!
The CR is a fantastic bike....that being said, i have had two of them and sold two of them......they just do the inspire confidence for longevity
Hi Tomahawk - I concur, they are solid bikes after owning RD's & RZ's for years, there are fun, a lot of torque! I bought a CR in knackered shape and slowly but steadily getting her back to shape
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