XT just arrived - first (minor) problem (Gas Cap)

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Apr 18, 2016
My 08 XT just arrived and I have hit my first (minor) snag.

In preparation I bought a keyless gas cap, so the first thing I wanted to do was to fit it.... Unfortunately when I tried to unscrew the torx screws holding the OEM filler in place I snapped 2 of my torqs bits... One of them has left a part of the "blade" in the actual screw head, but I'll work out how to remove that some other time..

The question is - does anyone have any instructions on how to remove the tank filler that the cap locks too? Are all of the bolts really holding it on or are some of them for show and not designed to turn? (That would explain how I managed to snap the bits)..

I realise I need to be more delicate, and will spray some penetrating oil on and leave it for a couple of days.

The original filler cap still works fine so the bike is still ok, but I'd really like to fit the new keyless cap and it didn't come with any instructions..

Thanks in advance.
Just looked at some pics online and I guess all 5 bolts need to be removed :-( oh well, guess I'll just spray and pray (and be more patient)
Go to www.buellmods.com and download a service manual.
If you can't find one specific to your model, then just use any in the same model year as yours.
The gas caps don't look overly complicated and I THINK they're the same through out the different models and years.
I would assume all you have to do is remove the 5 torx screws. Reference the manual. It should tell you exactly how to remove the fuel filler cap.
Thanks :) I did that and it should be as simple as "undo 5 bolts, remove" but clearly the bolts don't want to undo.. I've ordered some more torx bits and I'll let the penetrating oil its job before I try again.. The copious amounts of threadlock on the 2 I did manage to undo probably explains why..
Are you using a socket type torx bit or a screw driver type?
Might want to use the socket type. Sounds like your fasteners are Kung Foo tight.

Here's a little tip I learned when using an apex driver on a speed wrench during a c130 phase(back in the day!).
If you find the torx bit is wanting to slip, make a fine past out of some comet(any dry gritty fine powder will work) and a little water. Put just enough of that paste in the fastener head and try again.
The grit from the comet will help the torx bite into the fastener head and hold long enough for removal. Make sure you bear down with force. Don't turn the wrench with force, take that slow and steady, but put as much weight directly down on top of the screw/bolt head as you can to help avoid slippage. This worked really well for apex fasteners and Phillips head machine screws.
Standing on the wing of a c130, removing jack panels, the paste was usually made with comet and spit!
Ok, my flashback moment is over.
Good luck!
Thanks, they were socket bits, and the actual bits themselves shattered as I applied more force to them, no slipping just snapping LOL. They were actually good quality "lifetime warranty" tools too so clearly the bolts are done up way beyond spec (or the threadlock really is the permanent variety).

Amazon are delivering another set of bits tomorrow, so I'll have another stab at it on the weekend.
I have had a horrible time with Crapsman bits lately, and the Sears tool section nearest me blows as well:(

I snapped a T40 torx 3/8" socket (rear brake disk) and had it swapped out. Whoops! Apparently there is a 'Pro grade' and a 'junk grade' for Crapsman tools now. My Pro grade socket got swapped out for a junk grade one because I didn't know (and it's all they carry at the store:upset:).

So now I look at my torx socket rail and 6 out of 14 are junk grade:( and I break one every time I use it. On the last bolt. Getting a bloody knuckle. Screwing up the bolt. When I'm in a hurry. and it's raining. Today.

The moral? If you buy Crapsman tools. You MUST get them online...AND get Pro-grade. It's not worth the round trip to Sears, even if they swap it for free:(
That paste Cooter is talking about really does a great job! Some very fine sand or even very fine sandblasting abrasive can work as well.
I snapped the end of a hex head off on my handlebar bolts when trying to adjust the angle of the bars. It's still in the bolt hole. They must really load up on the red locktite at the factory due to the strong vibrations at idle. Just a question...why do you want to go to the key less gas cap? The stock caps are cool. I was a little concerned about losing the key so I strung some very fine wire through the key and attached it to the handlebar and left enough length to reach the gas cap. It allows me to let the cap just "hang" when fueling up. I just twisted the wire so it's easy to take the key off when necessary. Hope you get your situation worked out.
Just a question...why do you want to go to the key less gas cap? The stock caps are cool. .

Being honest - Vanity.

I'm in a Motorcycle Club and our club colours are Red & Black, the bike is black so I am injecting a little red into the mix to make it more appropriate.. Silly I know..

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