Xtremelow's Insurance Claim Thread

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Well-known member
May 19, 2007
I hit a Damn deer with my bike about a week and a half ago. So my bike has been at the shop for a week or so waiting for the insurance company to figure if they want to pay for the damages or not.

I was told they will fix some of the cosmetic stuff which is minor, but I have to pay for the transmission to be inspected and if the dealer can relate the damages to down shifting to avoid the deer the insurance will pay.

Otherwise I will be SOL, since I don't have $1500 to fix my transmission. So I would have to part ways with my bike, part by part.

Hopefully the dealer does a solid for me and tells the insurance company yes the damages coinside with each other and they fix if for me. Since it worked fine before I hit the deer and crashed.


I talked to the dealer and they have talked to the insurance agent 2 times and are beginning to get annoyed by her inexperience, which will only favor me.

The guy I talked to has been riding for 25 years and tried to explain to the agent how the damages are justifiable. The agent didnt realize she was talking to the head guy and just asked for a lower hand guy which just aggrrivated him more.

I had to call and talk to her but she insisted to talk to the lower hand guy, so I called back and talked to the head guy to tell him so he got even more pissed and said he would set her straight.

I have had 3 people look at my bike and all say that it is ligit, along with my word, but she doesnt want to believe anyone(she has never even ridin) so I hope the next phone call I get from the dealer is one to say the insurance is going to pay as they are sick of her giving even them the run around.

Also she said she is trying to work with me to get SOME of my stuff cover so I countered back that my insurance coverage isnt just for Some stuff, left her speechless as she admits the damges but also admits they are trying to just pay for some stuff.
Egads man. Hopefully they can iron out the details and get you back on two wheels.

Good luck man
xtremelow, who's that agent?

isn't there supposed to be an expert to look at your bike and look what is damaged and howmuch it will cost?
State Farm, a big insurance conpany is who i am coveree through, they admitted they don't do bike adjustments they leave it up to the bike shop. So I asked why all the questions if they are out of their element?

Best of all after I told her how much labor cost ($90/hr) she asked me if I could just bring my bike to a cheaper shop. Ha, I explained to her how only Buell dealers can order the parts and fix my bike not just so Joe Blow shop.

Oh and she already had her manager look at my bike, even though she is the "specialist" in charge of my claim.

Also the whole Lawyer thing, I really want to wait that out before I pull it, for the exteme.
"Joe blow" can order stock parts. I've had a ton of work done by other shops. My local harley is horrible with Buells. I take it over to the Trimpuh shop, they get it in and out quick like.

Sorry to hear about your case.

I got hit once at a red light. I was sitting there and the guy thought it turn'd green and took off. He ran over my foot and pushed me and the bike to the ground. I managed to scrap the entire side of the car. It took him about 8' to realize he was hitting me. The lady in a car next to him said he was reading, looked up then went back to reading as he took off.

Since no one stood up for me in court and My brother was acting like an ass right before the accident, on his buell, a random witness stood up in his defense saying we were acting crazy so the judge rulled it in his favor and I was held responsible for both of us.

I almost went postal that day.

Worst part about it was the guy was Russian and couldn't apeak a word of English. he had a print out of a license that looked like he got his license the day before.

My insurance didn't stick up for me either.

I love this world!
The local shops around me I am not that framiliar with so I would rather bring it to a larger place that will waranty the work.

I know I can even order the parts but I guess it comes to trusting a shop and no local shops have any real background around me so I am left with a dealer.

Also the head guy I spoke with called me to say in short he told the agent how it was going to be and all she could really do was say she will ask her manager for the payment approval after they do a quote. He told her most likely the shift forks are bent and said he wanted an answer to if they would cover that before they do anything else, its nice so I won't have to front any money down the line.

Hopefully I will have a solid answer tomorrow on a payment.
Hey xtreme. I've had a similiar situation. But I didn't even call the insurance company, "I IMMEDIATELY HIRED JACOBB & MEYERS" and they won me the coverage of 15,000/30,000 from my accident back in Dec '08.

Just in my experience, don't give them a chance to even say that word, "NO
wow! I am lucky that Viking covered my bike without question pretty much... I told them what dealership I didn't want them to take it to, and they handled the rest. In fact, they would only consider dealerships to fix the bike.
Well I was told today they are going to total out my bike. I will find out tomorrow how much they are going to give me and how much they will be charging me for the Buy back.

Uhhh all I want is a bike but now I have to deal with parting out a bike and buy a new one since they wont allow me to remove the race kit, seat, and 04+ pulley setup since I dont have the stock ones. So I would lose about $1200 if I just let them pay me for the bike and not the upgrades that can be sold off the bike.
xtremelow, send me some pics of the damage.

you should be able to video the shaft deformation while turning.

i'll provide you an official report.
it sucks that you wrecked the bike, but atleast they will let you buy it back. Could you pull the motor, have the internal work done while you look for a quality frame? [confused]
Well no problems. My bike is being totaled out and I already have another '03 XB9R that is white lined up to buy next week. I will be buying back my bike and still have enough to buy the other bike.

I still plan on making the XB9Drag I have talked about actually this will speed up the process and allow me to do more to my bike than I wanted.

In a little over a week I will be parting out my bike, but will be keeping some stuff for modifications and or extra so that will be a new thread coming soon.

INS. is giving me $3800 for My bike and only costing me $400 to buy it back so the bike I have lined up is $3200 so once I pay for the taxes I will break even, well sort of but I will have almost a whole extra bike.

I had to jump through hurdles for the insurance to pay me but it worked out in the end.
Not sure, I know one thing I will be wanting to do is trade a S tail for my R tail.

Otherwise it will be just ask for what you need and I will see if I have it, sold it, or want to keep it for extra. All in all I have an entire extra bike with a trashed transmission. All the rest is in good condition, just has guages on the rear of the swingarm.
Well looks as though I will be purchasing Sedars Bike since he bought a chopper.

Iowa here I come, well next Friday anyway.

Also started a tail swap thread for my R tail.

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