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Too long didnt read


maybe next time, it can be posted with simple pictures, maybe some crayons for those that feel the need to colour..


how else would you educate yourself about anything, just saying to take the time to learn about such things, may benefit you sometime down the road, hearsay is a bitch unless you can back it up with facts

no **** eh

ignorance is bliss for some
I'm in Cali too. I only lane split when the traffic is stopped or nearly stopped at a light and I feel I can get safely between the vehicles and up to the front. That in itself saves me time and frustration. I don't travel any freeways to work so I've never had to lane split in that situation, but when I've been in my car caught in freeway traffic, as jetlee said, most drivers (even as bad as they are) seem to respect it.
I moved from lane-splitting freeway packed Cali, where you must have insurance, wear a helmet, pay huge registration fee's, and can only buy vehicles that are constricted with additional smog equipment...

To Florida, where you can NOT lane split.
BUT where theres no helmet law (I've had 2 moto PD officers tell me they prefer to NOT wear one, yes really), no liability insurance required, (and you MUST ride a moped (50cc) on the sidewalk >35mph!!)[confused]

Rules, they no make none of that sense.
was not trying to be too big of a dick guys
seems every piece of info or tool that we can use to make ourselves better riders and even more importantly, we continue exercising our grey matter.
As big as I am on physical fitness and health I know that keeping yourself mentally stimulated (not that way! )
goes along way to maintaining our faculties as we get older.

Now to properly jack this thread I present for your amusement..

im in colorado springs and there isnt anywhere here i would ever feel safe splitting lanes. nor is the traffic so gridlocked and ****** that is warrants doing so.. bigger cities ive ridden in there is almost no other option!. agree with part of the story above about being smart about it. coming to a stop light and getting to the front.. yes. on the interstate going 50.. no way.
either way just remember that you are in charge of your safety.. most likely the cager in front, beside, and behind you has much more important things to worry about like radio stations, texting, coffee, food, and forgetting they need to turn left at the next light. so watch out and ride safe!
This morning I headed out to work a little later than usual, and all I have to say is thank god I was on my motorcycle. There was 16 miles of bumper to bumper traffic. By motorcycle, I made it to work on time in 35 minutes. By car, even if I left on time, I would have been traveling for 2 hours, and would have been late. I almost felt bad for all the cagers......... almost.
I lane split at lease once on my way to work/home in FL. I know most of these old people can't see but it can be done in a safe manner. Plus, bumper to bumper traffic eats brakes and increases emissions.
Glad you brought it back from the dead. I personally live in Las Vegas, NV and know it's not legal here but when it's 115 degrees and bumper to bumper you almost have no choice on an air cold bike. Way too hot for you and the bike.
I split if:
-more than two cages stopped between me and the light
-cages pacing under the speed limit
-uncomfortable with tailing cager (using phone, tailgating, old, illegal, etc)
-pissed off cager chasing me (cause I passed him? I dunno why these dipshits start flipping me off and driving erratically)

I don't split if:
-it means passing a moving vehicle that has a trailer attached. Stopped, yes; moving, no.

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