I moved from lane-splitting freeway packed Cali, where you must have insurance, wear a helmet, pay huge registration fee's, and can only buy vehicles that are constricted with additional smog equipment...
To Florida, where you can NOT lane split.
BUT where theres no helmet law (I've had 2 moto PD officers tell me they prefer to NOT wear one, yes really), no liability insurance required, (and you MUST ride a moped (50cc) on the sidewalk >35mph!!)[confused]
Rules, they no make none of that sense.
To Florida, where you can NOT lane split.
BUT where theres no helmet law (I've had 2 moto PD officers tell me they prefer to NOT wear one, yes really), no liability insurance required, (and you MUST ride a moped (50cc) on the sidewalk >35mph!!)[confused]
Rules, they no make none of that sense.