so this morning I was actually at home because my daughter had a dr's appointment today. well after the dr I went home and grabbed my bike because I haven't gotten to ride it all week. Well, because I'm already going to be late for work and all my coworkers know it I decide to take some scenic back roads and enjoy my ride. upon this ride I missed one of my turns so I decided to just try a new route.... on this new route I found out the hard way that there was an unlabeled blind turn on gravel. F*CK! so I was only going about 30 or so and I was trying to go around the turn but A it was gravel and B when I applied my front brake nothing was there, so I was relying on the weak *ss back brake. F*ck me, I went over the ditch into a field and dropped her on her side after the 3 ft decline. I picked up the things that broke and were lying next to the bike since I wound up on the ground next to it. I broke my left mirror (fell on the right?), broke my brake lever, broke my right front signal and broke the fairing stay where that signal attaches. I then got the bike back up, pulled the grass out and continued on my stupid ride to work.
oh yea I broke my new airbox too, freaking fantastic. this is all the stuff that was in my backpack when I got into work

oh yea I broke my new airbox too, freaking fantastic. this is all the stuff that was in my backpack when I got into work