yet another setback

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Well-known member
Sep 14, 2010
so this morning I was actually at home because my daughter had a dr's appointment today. well after the dr I went home and grabbed my bike because I haven't gotten to ride it all week. Well, because I'm already going to be late for work and all my coworkers know it I decide to take some scenic back roads and enjoy my ride. upon this ride I missed one of my turns so I decided to just try a new route.... on this new route I found out the hard way that there was an unlabeled blind turn on gravel. F*CK! so I was only going about 30 or so and I was trying to go around the turn but A it was gravel and B when I applied my front brake nothing was there, so I was relying on the weak *ss back brake. F*ck me, I went over the ditch into a field and dropped her on her side after the 3 ft decline. I picked up the things that broke and were lying next to the bike since I wound up on the ground next to it. I broke my left mirror (fell on the right?), broke my brake lever, broke my right front signal and broke the fairing stay where that signal attaches. I then got the bike back up, pulled the grass out and continued on my stupid ride to work.




oh yea I broke my new airbox too, freaking fantastic. this is all the stuff that was in my backpack when I got into work
shoot man, that's a bummer. You'll get her back to top shape though, don't lose hope!
Damn man that sucks ass!!!! I have an extra set mirrors, blinkers and will have a fairing stay as soon as I replace mine with my powder coated one.
I got mirrors too if you need them pm me and ill figure out shipping you can have m for whatever that comes to
no, that was for the 9r and I already painted it for that bike.

thanks guys, it seems like as soon as I get something fixed on one bike I mess it up on the other.

I may just jb weld this stay for the time being. my wallet seems to be taking hits left and right
black firebolt, I'll go down and take a pic here in a few. I'm at work but I'll do it soon

will the ztl2 levers work with the older ones? I've never had to try
Glad to see your alright man. Sorry about the broken pieces. I also have my stock mirrors lying around if you need them.
bradski got me on mirrors, I'm gonna worry about the lever and blinkers first, put my black airbox back on til I can get the transparent one fixed to the point where I can use it. and for the fairing stay I'll probably jb weld for now since they're not the cheapest. for blinkers I'm thinking about flush mounts since they seem to break because of the stalks.

just looks like I'm gonna be playing on the blast for a bit