Your memorable rides?

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Most memorable ride...getting hit by a car and totaling the Buell, hard to forget
My most memorable ride was the day i bought my Buell
lot of first's that day: (all to get her home)
-1st time riding a Buell
-1st time riding a motorcycle larger than the 150's at the rider course
-1st time riding a motorcycle on the street
-1st time riding a motorcycle on the freeway
- and 1st time riding a motorcycle at night

had to travel a little ways to pick her up
Mine are quite eclectic, but here goes. These are in no particular order

Bought the bike and trailered it home...had never been on a bike before. I was so eager to get on it, that I wanted to get the "hang" of her, so I went out, started her up and decided to ride down the parents' blacktop driveway so I didn't do anything stupid on the road. Got 15 feet and the rear hit black ice...I felt like a dufus.

Riding away from my house one time and going to get on the interstate behind a SLOW El Camino. I jumped out from behind, hit second gear and carried the front end down the exit ramp to the interstate. Scared the hell out of me since it was the first time the front end had been up.

Riding with a group of local guys, heading down to Bloomington, and trying out the 3-40's (SR44, 45, 46 -a great ride to try sometime). I made it all the way through. It was fun, great roads, great people, great times. Found out later, I did the whole ride on a blown head gasket.

Finally, went on a ride in 2011 with some guys on baggers. I was the only sport bike in the group. We rode from the south side of Indy to Richmond, about an hour and a half. Rain was threatening the entire way. Got there, and the kickstands hit the ground, and it was pouring for the next 3 hours while the group I was with and about 4500+ other bikes were waiting to escort 2 Twin Tower beams to Indianapolis for the permanent memorial being constructed. After the beams arrived in Richmond while all the bikers looked on, we all mounted up, then as we got back on the interstate, the rain cleared up, and it was sunshine the whole way back to Indy. Later on, I came to find out that the bike convoy reached all the way from Richmond to Indianapolis. As the last bike was getting on the interstate, the first was getting off.
First time riding with RedWhiteandBuell, Buellybagger, and Badtitan. They made me ride in back because I was noisy without the can.
I have not had this bike out of the North Texas area. The initial test ride really stands out currently, as i had ridden several different bikes but none compared. I really liked the rhythm this bike operates at and can really perform anything you want or need it to do without much effort. Also the ride from Dallas to Kilgore was nice 2 up with my wife on the back for over 289 miles. Her first road trip on any motorcycle over the hwy, from a driver's stand point it was effortless. One other ride that is memorable is when 2 up, riding through the grass in our friends yard & sinking into into the ground over a 2 or 3 inch leaking septic pipe. One of the those moments when you know you are literaly in some deep DooDoo. Front wheel took a dive in, over the rim, and exposed the PVC pipe that was in front of it at about 10mph. Deciding Moment not to land everyone into the POO, I stood up on the pegs and turned on the throttle. Front wheel jumped the pipe, the rear wheel spun and drifted on it for about 8 to 10 ft until it cleard the pipe. Our friends and my wife on the back really thought I was showing off my new motorcycle as they did not realize they had a septic leak. Came out of it literaly with minimal poop on me and none on my wife. Man I need to make some new memorable rides.
Torque Wrenches, you mean I need to go to Northern Tool Today, It is 30 degrees here in the Triad, (North Carolina)
AZ rt. 191 from Alpine to Morenci. Formerly "Rt. 666" the majority of it is cliff on one side and mountain on the other.

Just rode that last week in the midst of a 3100 + mile road trip. Took about 3 hours to do just 90 miles. I know why the call it the devils highway ... no guard rails, rocks, and sand (sand for ice that was recently on it). That said, it was the highlight of a trip that included the famous twisted sisters in Texas hill country, NM badlands and Ruidoso area (where I saw a cougar), and Big Bend National park.
3100 + mile road trip
WOW! I'm looking forward to a time when I can make such long trips. Gotta get my wife a trike first...she doesn't ride 2 wheels safely and doesn't like to ride 2 up. She a "control freak" back-seat driver and wants to have full control.
I'm looking forward to a time when I can make such long trips. 

I didn't go with my women. Although she like leisurely day and weekend trips, I don't think she could handle a hardcore trip like that. The last day of the trip I did 920 miles from Ruidoso, NM to Edinburg, TX (the scenic route).

I went with some guy friends. We split a cabin in the Texas hill country four ways, and hotel rooms (keeps expenses down).
Came out of it literaly with minimal poop on me and none on my wife

Rule number one of a successful relationship: DO NOT GET POO ON YOUR WIFE lol good job on that one [up]

Most memorable ride for me would have to be when on a beautiful sunny day while stopping at a dairy bar to get something to drink before a nice long ride, I get a call from my girlfriend saying she just got in a wreck. She was crying hysterically and i could hardly understamd a word she said. I feared the worst. I immediately left, leaving my milkshake and a tip, fired up the Buell and began hauling ass to rescue my lady. I had it tached out the entire drive, running red lights, splitting lanes, weaving between four lanes of traffic. I specifically remember passing a state patrol and watching his lights come on but I never saw him again after I passed him. Anyways, after thirty minutes of crazy, I finally got to my girlfriend and found her sitting on the sidewalk holding a small dog. The massive accident that caused her to call me in hysterics was actually a Volkswagen beetle gently colliding with a small dog. Wtf. I mean it sucks she hit a dog and all but she was FINE, her car was FINE, the dog was ok too. Needless to say I was relieved and pissed. But it was a fun ride and she was ok so I'll take it lol[smirk]

Disclaimer: I in no way condone erratic driving behavior or the harm of small dogs
My USAF son in Forida had a similar ride on his Firebolt because he feared for his wife after her meds screwed with her mind. That was about 20 plus miles. He definitely didn't want to finish raising their 2 children by himself!! Everything turned out good...this time.