Your Non-Buell Bikes

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Thanks Jmill25! But its really just a kids starter dirtbike. Wish i had a pit bike.
I've had this for about 10 years now
Haha yea I know Loki I was just trying to lift your spirits about it haa
Super bike zrex
Lol its all good. Its still fun. And im looking on hurt myself pretty good on it jumping it!
I live in texas and it is plated and registered here... but it kinda one of those grey area things and yeah its a lot of fun around around town and track days.
Man like 1500 views and we can't get anyone else to post, I know more of y'all out there have other bikes. Hell I'd love to see what other bikes you used to have before your Buell, or what you learned to ride on. I love bikes of all shapes and sizes.
Those are awesome action picks @nitto12ss

And woah cool lookin Honda, love those 80s hondas, I used to have a black v45 Honda sabre, it's one of the few bikes we've ever actually let go
Yeah, I remembered that it was a bike that was limited in it's importation, remembered reading a short article about it in Cycle world, or some other motorcycling magazine. The styling of it is awesome, love that paint scheme.
That's a nice looking springer right there!!! @xb12scapades

Yeah, I'm really wanting to get a dirtbike or quad again when I get the money, all I have currently that really handles dirt is a kawasaki ke 100 it's fun but not quite the pep needed for some real fun, that's a nice bike, good looking color scheme on the plastics @schoolhousecycles

theres m toys, supermoto is a yz450f then my buell, and the ice races is also my cross country racer, its a yz250f...
I wanted to trade an '05 Suzuki 650 savage for a nice dirt toy, since no one barely rides it anymore but I got vetoed on that decision by my mom because it used to be her bike lol
So i'm searching for some new Background pictures for my computer, I typed in Triumph Daytona into the search box, and found some cool pictures, one that I opened up was linked back to, I knew Buellers had good taste in Bikes!

Guess I'll update my stable,



My Non- Buell's, The Daytona is an 06 i just picked up at christmas time, and the RM is a 125 that i got this past summer. I haven't really had many chances to get out in the dirt, but its been fun the few times i've been able to.

Since this is a buell forum I guess I'll make this thread "less worthless" with another picture to show off my Buell.


What do you new users have hiding in your garages?...