Buell 1125R-CR

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Well-known member
Apr 12, 2010
I know some of you know about my conversion project of mine, converting my 2008 Buell 1125R to a CR with a XB12SCG tailsection. I think I have all the parts and should be working on it this weekend. The bike will be wrapped in carbonfiber and so far, the tailsection conversion can only be described as 'a bitch'. I will try and get several pictures but as for the tail swap, there is a lot of metal fabricating needed and is NOT a direct bolt on set-up. Thanks for all of your input and will try and keep this thread updated. ML
So far, I havent gotten much done. Im having to work more than able to work on this project. Will try and keep post updated.
more pics of the insides of the scoops please. ive been interested to know whats in there. i think that tail section and the scoops are the only thing stopping me from getting a 1125cr. :D i know that the tail part is some mods and the right parts, but i wonder if it would be possible to make the front scoops smaller?
Hey Texas, not sure if that first pic is just a mock up. I know you said you had a little set back.
But pay close attention to how the seat runs along the frame. That is the best way to get the angle of the tail correct. Unless your going for a lifted look, which in that case your going to run into a issue getting that front corner of the seat to sit right.

And 07xb12sgrin, there isnt really a way to make the pods smaller. Best you can do is go with a full faring kit that "hides" them a little better. Those radiators are very functional, and are essential to keeping the bike cool. It would not only take some serious fab skills, but a lot of R&D to get them to function correctly.
Hey J, its just a mockup. And I had a whole other idea about cutting right top mount off like yours and re-bolting metal on inside as you did but i think its gonna be aluminum and im gonna run it thru the complete inside so you cant see the fab work. Its a nightmare but Im getting closer. Im going back to your idea of mounting on bottom rails and working my way up. I had some buddies over friday and just getting ideas from everyone. Its great to get opinions from everyone and seeing what kinda crazt things they come up with.
tex, I thought so just making sure. Trust me I went through the frustrations of making this work, I understand!
I really think getting the lowers right, and adapting the top mounts is your best bet. Just be careful when you are cutting, and bolting parts to the subframe. It does not like to be bent or have stress added where it was not intended. It is thin material and will break very easily. Try to make your surface area where you attach anything as large as possible. That way you are spreading out the load through a larger area.
Good luck, buddy! You will get er done!
Yep, I think so. I have 4 pages of diagrams I have been sketching and different ideas and such. Im trying to work this out on paper so I know it will work on bike. Im trying to figure the physics as well to see where i can move pressure points and 'weak links' and trying to see where I would need to add bracing and such. I need this to support 2 riders because Im doing it for me and wife. She thinks it will be cool when complete. I will try and get more pics this weekend. Im gonna be home thursday morning and plan on being home till monday.
I got most of carbonfiber on today and all the hidden blue LED's all over frame and frontend and such. I had to put the 1125R tail back on because some parts I ordered are on back order. I have BeachNbikerFest.com coming up April 15 and cant miss it. Im having friends ride down and I will need a good passenger seat for my paasenger. After Bikefest, I will get back to conversion and keep this thread updated. ML
I like it . cant wait to see the finished product.
I want to some day add a 1125 to my garage. but have not read much on the height of the seat, as I am about 5'6.5" and my firebolt i cant flat foot it. but i can get both fronts of my feet down which is good enough for now for me, I know the suspension makes the Scg low , but is your new seat going to be higher or lower than the stock 1125 seat? and what is the stock seat height of the 1125R.want to know how it compares to my firebolt, as I haven't sat on an 1125 yet to see how the seat height is and how much feet I can get on the ground. dont mean to hijack your thread was just wondering..
Native, seat height i think is identical to ur 12r. I can lower front forks by lowering triple trees on forks and im gonna put a 12scg rear shock on and hopefully i will be flat foot then. Im 5'6" and stand on my toes when on my 1125. I got the 'low seat' which comes on the 12scg so Im hoping to be flat foot when complete. This conversion is no ride in the park what so ever. Lots and lots of measuring and engineering and such. I cant wait till its complete.[up]:D
I worked more on my R-CR conversion but was only able to get the carbonfiber on and re-install the stock 1125R tail because we have beachnbiker fest coming up and I wont have all the parts in to do the XB tail swap. 'Some parts are on backorder'. Here are pics of this last weekend. Bike doesn't have bars yet and looking into the 'convertibars'.

i would lose the header wrap and polish up the pipe like the keda-designs..or if you want to keep the header wrapped, wrap in black! i think that would drastically improve the look! my 3 cents [cool]
You know, i think you are right.... I had the full fairings that covered them up so it was no big deal. I think I will re-wrap with the black wrap and see if I can paint with black exhaust paint or something. thx. u can keep ur 3 cents,lol... [cool]
just wondering why don't u just get a set of clubmans?
or the tall bars they both are stock parts and should be availble.
I know grand rapids harley has a ton of clubmans
i have clubmans on order now and should have them this week but Im looking into the clipons or convertibars so i can mount them lower on forks to give it a 'different' look.