Buell 1125R-CR

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Corpus Christi HD called me and said my parts made it in so gonna pickup on Wednesday, which included the clubmans, new brake and clutch cables, the SCG rear mono shock, and some small ' nick-naks' as they say. I think the XB lightning tail is gonna be pushed to the side for now. I really want to do some serious homework on this because I want everything to be documented on the conversion so others can see how I did it. Im putting everything on paper and such with measurements and pics and all that good stuff. I will for sure have bars on Thursday and will be 'rideable' Thursday nite. Will try and get some pics and post them. Any ideas, ya'll let me know.
Update: I got clubman bars on and they look sweet! I think im gonna scrap idea with my renthal clip-on bars and stick with the stock clubmans. I dont think i was gonna like them but i do love them. As for other parts, the XB12scg rear shock would not fit on my 1125r. I thought it would help maybe lower it a bit but it was actually longer- 13.25" and the stock 1125R was- 12.75". The stock brake cable was same length as brake cable ordered so those parts are going back to harley next week. I need to order the stock mirrors for clubman bars. I have no mirrors now so its very unusual driving and having to turn around all the time to see if cops are chasing me :D. I re-wrapped exhaust pipes with black wrap and then painted with extreme temp black paint, added more LED's to undercarriage and swingarm so bike looks even better at night when riding the -strip-. I will try and get more pics when I get to the house this weekend.
Update, I road bike this weekend with wife with the stock tail section and rode the beach-n-bikerfest. It was ok but bike is still overheating. I have a new thermostat on order and may look into the Evans coolant. Im thinking of scrapping my idea of the scg tail and gonna go for a 'custom' fiberglass mini tail instead. I have the mini subframe and undertail and gonna design something from there. I may be getting a 2008 firebolt soon and will throw the scg tail on it and maybe wife can ride it. I will try and get some pics.
im interested in this conversion myself. however i just want to put the CR fairing on instead of the R.

do you have some recent pics?

would love to see what it looks like now
Lazerface -

Not THAT difficult to imagine....it'll look like a.......wait.......1125CR..!


P.S. - one of these days I'll collect enough stuff to do the "S" swap to my CR.
Yes I do have pics from weekend but havent down loaded them yet. They are on wifes camera. Will post as soon as she emails them to me. Im over 500 miles away now and wont be back at the house till tomorrow sometime.
Here are update photos from over weekend. Let me know what you think so far.

yes Mike...i get what it would look like.
but i wanted to see this particular bike.

its very nice.

what all is involved in swapping to the bikini CR front end?

is it as simple as swapping parts?
Its not hard at all. Just take off complete front fairing/headlight cluster which just unplugs from wire harness. Then you need top triple tree mount from cr and headlight. If you are really serious, I can go back to receipts and get you a complete parts list.
I like the Carbon Fiber, nice.

The black header wrap looks much better than the white. There is a Ti color wrap that has a resemblance to CF.

More CF parts, left side sprocket cover, right side cover by the pegs, upper belt guard. Anodize the aluminum axle and frame sliders black. Loose the silver gas cap for either a stock black one from an 09 or an after market version ;).

I like the direction the bike is going.

What are your impressions going from the R's seating position to the CR's?
I am definitely interested in doing this same swap. I don't think i quite have the money to do all the CF bits and mods :p

But I do want to swap to a CR bikini fairing / headlamp.

What part of TX you in? Im in Dallas myself.
Puzzled, I think riding position is close to being the same. I like it.. I cant hide behind fairing anymore and run 150-170[smirk]:D[cool]...I like your ideas though about anodize those sliders...I still need to order the other CF parts as you mentioned. I need the steer damper for sure... I got used to the one i had with the R fairing...ASB has all the stuff mentioned above but my credit card is getting a little high. I need to pay some before i spend some[smirk].. I keep going back and forth on the Lightning tail....I still havent tried to begin that swap. I have everything just not much time right now. Oh, and Im making a 'custom mini tail' for a 1125 frame. Its gonna be unique and went and got some fiberglass stuff the other day. Its gonna be a mini solo tail and using the parts and stuff from my original solo tail, other than the trojan-horse solo tail and tank. I could keep going on and on,lol.
Lazerface, sorry about that, I was just ignoring u:p.
Actually bud, I live in the RGV down at very south tip of TX near brownsville. If you like to party much, Im about 13 miles from South Padre Island,Tx which is very famous during Spring Break..Oh yeah, I was saying that Im a truckdriver and I go to D/FW area 3-4 times a week. Im always over there. I have a buddy who lives in Garland now but is moving to Irving next month. By all means, heres my cell# 956-357-3208 (Michael) if you decide to do swap, you can PM or email me [email protected] and I can get you a parts list and if I have time to help you, I can make a day off up there and could offer to help ya. You won't have to pay me but lunch or dinner would be cool [cool]:D. Let me know[up]
Went out with sport riders on sunday and found out that i need to dial in my suspension, and retorque my frontend a bit. it felt a little loose in tight curves and such. this thing still gets hot. Coolant level is good and oil level is good. Not sure if it could be plugs or what. I think i will order the new 2010 waterpump cover ebracing has and replace thermostat, replace coolant with the Evans waterless coolant and hope that fixes it.
Hey Johnny, thanks, I think Puzzled sells them also but havent heard back from him. Dont quote me but some reason I was thinking puzzled had them for $395 plus shipping but i dont remember. I have sooo many issues with my buell right now, i dont know where to start. Overheating, loose frontend, leaking left fork seal, dialing in my suspension for track use, starting and completing my xb lightning tail section, installing the new thermostat-(its under the tank and throttle bodies and is a bitch to get to), finish my LED light package on bike(for cruising saturday nights on strip), installing the rest of the carbon fiber-fenders, heat sheild, chain guard, etc. Yep, I have alot on my plate right now. And working during the week to make some cash flow for bills at begining of the month:D.

It should be interesting.

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