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You shouldn't need a specific 'dyno tune', but you will need it to run well enough from the start that you aren't flooding the engine and washing the cylinders, or too lean and overheating it.
Any decent dyno tuning service should be familiar with TunerPro to be able to get it started and tuned to a good full throttle A/F ratio pretty quickly. Then you can datalog and fine tune it for rideability.
There are some members that have done that kit, search the Buell forums and PM them?
I'm surprised NHRS doesn't have any access to a customers previous tune for a Buell? I know the Buelltooth.com people made a Café racer with a 1250 kit, might be worth an ask? I doubt it's on their free maps page, but shoot an email?

Sorry, That's all I got.
Alright folks, I consed. Everything you say will be used to humble you. lol Cooter, thanks for the advice. I'll contact Tim for a possible solution. Thanks again. Get back with you guys on what fixes the problem.....You guys love that quote thing! lol
Sorry about that. Cooter needs to learn not to tell people what they need to hear, but what they want to hear. I often come here just to get validation for my own opinions... I'm not interested in facts or logic. Just tell me what I want to hear and how to get it for free. How hard is that?
Confusious Cooter says:
"The answer you get will only be as good as the question you ask":eagerness:

No worries Frankxb. I'm really trying to help, even if it isn't the direction you feel like going. You still have the option of checking your settings, or loading a different map (.xpr from ECMDroid) first, but whatever you want. It's your bike, I hope you get to go for a ride soon. $200 sucks, but seems like an easy answer to definitely solve the problem 100%.

OH! and did you know that 34:19 is a good looking guy? He's smart too...and people like him:love_heart:
Cooter, transferring the proper .xpr file for the ECMID absolutely can become corrupt if connection is interrupted during the transfer, I've seen it now 3 times over bluetooth and once over USB cable/ECMSpy. The solution is quite simple though, whatever software you are attempting to push the firmware to the ECM with you will want to uncheck the option to update "only changes" to flash the entire "EEPROM". Frank, you should still have the .xpr file needed in the EEPROM folder on your android device when using ECMDroid. That would be the one you were originally attempting to push to the ECM but hopefully you clicked the "save EEPROM" option before attempting that, so you would also have the original file as well. Also you are correct that the older version of ECMSpy will not work with your 08 BUE0D ECM but the MONO version will, you can ask Gunter if the stock map is available under "my maps" once you donate for a working version of the software. http://www.ecmspy.com/cgi-bin/ecm.cgi?ecm=79
His post #3 refers to your thread where that had happened to you, so my assumption was he had already done that.

Eliminating variables, not adding any...

I was trying to help him not make it worse by attacking the poor wounded ECM with a totally new program and file type, just get a different .xpr and try again.
His post #3 refers to your thread where that had happened to you, so my assumption was he had already done that.

Cooter, I know you know your ****, just clarifying that it is entirely possible for that to happen as I've personally seen it multiple times as well as 3 other forum members I've helped who I recommended switching to USB and alternate software moving forward. The bluetooth communication/ECMDroid has its uses but I never use it to push changes to the ECM any more, only datalogs are captured with that method for me. Also bringing to light for Frank he could still possibly have access to the original EEPROM if he did indeed save it before attempting to flash the new one he got ahold of. I also PM'd him when he was looking for a fix that another option would be to have the firmware updated by Harley and in that process he would end up with updated firmware along with an updated stock tune, most likely BUE2D with more resolution and tuning options down the road. Attempting to burn the EEPROM over and over will end up with the same result until that checkbox is set for the entire EEPROM to be re-written over. Whatever is going on "behind the scenes" I can't tell you for sure as you would assume all unmatched hexadecimal would be corrected regardless but it wasn't the case for me until a full and complete burn of EEPROM data was done. :up:
lowkey, you know way more about ECMSpy than I do! I just mess around:angel: Your datalogs should show a comm error if thats whats happening with the bluetooth connection. Are you using the same tablet/phone for both loading maps and datalogging? I have never, ever had that happen and my tablet is a total POS :sorrow: I keep saying I'll get a dedicated Android burner...

I do load "changes only" but your experience is in the back of my head when I do. I will be sure to post up if I also get that issue!

Proper diagnosis would dictate one change at a time (and loading a new .xpr with the same program would be easiest for him) instead of wholesale changes the program and file type. But whatever works, right?:angel: After he referred to your post, He did say he was loading "the whole map".

Frank didn't want solution #1, #2, #3, or even #4 on my same post. No worries, he made it clear he knew exactly what he was doing and never made any mistakes. I took his 'My ECM is corrupted' literally, and clarified why thats probably not true. No worries here. I hope he gets it figured out and can go riding soon. The weather is GREAT!

Confusious-Cooter say:
"Your answer will only be as good as your question"
Cooter, after taking with the other forum members who also experienced the same dropping data issue and the source for their bluetooth communication device along with Cole, who I got mine from, it comes down to the board used in the bluetooth dongle at that timeframe, if you haven't experienced the issue it most likely is down to you got a "good" unit while some got "bad" units and the communication drops. My logs were constantly dropping completely, the most I could get were 4-6min before communications stopped... no COM error, only comparing the data time stamp against the actual time rode for the log OR the screen would literally freeze on "live data" when logging say TPS/RPM/EGO. My solution so far has been to ride with the android device in a backpack strapped to the seat directly over the bluetooth dongle below the seat, I managed 4 30+min logs with this setup without issue. It is now 100+ so the bike is on the stands until it cools down and I can get back to log-N-tunes again.
Frank seems to be a nice guy, cut him some slack... we all know what it is like working through a problem we think no-one has experienced before or that we may know best... he did reach out by starting a thread and through PM so he does seek advice for correcting the problem.:up:
Well that certainly makes sense. If bad bluetooth parts got put together... all bets are off, haha. Mine have been plugged in since the day I got them banged around and even wet, so I'll assume there's nothing to worry about the ones I bought:up: Darn Chinese girls need to earn that $2 a week!

I'm sure he's a fine gentleman, almost as smart and nice as that 34:19 guy:angel: lol. He asked, I answered. I'm not expecting anyone to HAVE to take the advise they asked for. I'm ok just giving it to give. Really, no worries here.
Hey guys,
First of all, thanks for the continued support and advice! I know I came out a little defensive and head strong. Thanks, men of good character!
Here is where I'm at: Got the stock map from Buelltooth, confirmed that the box was UNCHECKED on optimize burning and downloaded. No changes, bike started for a second, backfired through intake and stalled. Sat back and thought a little and remembered that the bike showed signs of hard starting before it went south. Not consistent with a bad ecm or program, right? Went ahead and changed the fuel pump. (03 Mustang 6 cylinder) That helped. Was able to get the bike to idle for a little while. Any attempt To apply throttle would cause the engine to bog and stall. Seems a cylinder is flooding out from the strong sent of raw fuel. Tested the injectors with Buelltooth and heard them click but not sure if that means anything. Going back to what Cooter said about it flooding out. Thinking I got an injector stuck open. Went ahead and ordered a set of fuel injectors and intake o rings sense I'm already there. Any thoughts guys? Heading in the right direction?
Could be a bad intake leak? That design isn’t exactly the most robust, and it has probably been a few years since they were installed at the Harley plant. They’re kind of a PITA to change, but since you’re hucking parts to see what sticks, the intake seals are cheap.

If you are admitting unmetered air (past the seals) the bikes O2 sensor will think it’s running lean and try to compensate by adding fuel.

Also, check your grounds... it’s free and can resolve all kinds of weird issues.
Thanks 34:19. Tried the propane test on the intake seals. It was hard to keep here running to validate any results. Got the fuel injectors just in case. Not a bad idea to have them in hand for now or in the future. Maybe re- visit the 02 sensor. Is there an electrical test on that?
Thanks 34:19. Tried the propane test on the intake seals. It was hard to keep here running to validate any results. Got the fuel injectors just in case. Not a bad idea to have them in hand for now or in the future. Maybe re- visit the 02 sensor. Is there an electrical test on that?

I'm sure there is, but I am only familiar with the DDFI-2 method... and the 34:19 method*. According to the service manual, the DDFI-2 method requires the HD Breakout Box diagnostic tool, which I dont have or have access to, which I why I devised the much simpler 34:19 method*.

I'm pretty sure your bike is DDFI-3 and the method is probably a bit different, especially since there are two O2 sensors involved.

* buy a new O2 sensor from SPHD. Lance is the man!
If you can keep it running... your Buelltooth will transmit all sorts of "Live Data" options to your ECMDroid program. You can see what your o2 output voltage is. That will also tell you if it is running lean or rich.

If you are worried its flooded, go back a step... pull the plugs (PITA but do it anyway) that will tell you without guessing anymore.

FYI, Your Buell injectors have a specific front and rear nozzle. When you pull yours you can see if it's indeed "stuck open" by blowing liquid through a 1/2 hose over the injector inlet o-ring. Super rare though.
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If you can keep it running... your Buelltooth will transmit all sorts of "Live Data" options to your ECMDroid program. You can see what your o2 output voltage is. That will also tell you if it is running lean or rich.

If you are worried its flooded, go back a step... pull the plugs (PITA but do it anyway) that will tell you without guessing anymore.

FYI, Your Buell injectors have a specific front and rear nozzle. When you pull yours you can see if it's indeed "stuck open" by blowing liquid through a 1/2 hose over the injector inlet o-ring. Super rare though.

This ^^^^ is why we like this guy. :angel:

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