3 locked threads

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I just read some of this thread and want to say HOLY CRAP!

I must say I don't hang out in the blast section(because I don't have one) but I have been trying to be friendly, helpful, and welcoming to the new members. Seems that since BF joined here there has been much more blast activity, and I honestly have taken an interest in the bike, they seem pretty cool. I hadn't ever really thought about them in the past.

I haven't really noticed much issue like is being said in this thread with bullying blast riders, but if you all are getting bullied, give me a PM and I'll try to help you out :) I'm not afraid to say that I think blasts are cool [up] just don't go saying they're as cool as xb's... ;):p
After only skimming through some of the problem threads, the only thing that sticks in my mind is that ezblast reminds me of vizzini from The Princess Bride. Try to keep up with him! Inconceivable!

That is all.
^THE PRINCESS BRIDE? REALY? cant say i understand your referance maybe you could help us by making another comparison to cinderela or possibly a 90210 referance. :p

(jk)that is all!
possibly a 90210 referance
Man O Man, Jenny Garth was hot in the original 90210 ! Don't know about the new series though. :D

This thread is ALL over the place anyway !
Obama vs Romney, they are both puppets as far as i'm concerned.

Couldn't agree more. I read that long ass post, went to the link, read more, but not ever changing my mind about Ron Paul. It's cool to see a few other people supporting aswell. We should start a thread and not hijack this one though.
Who are you gonna vote for Buddabuell? you know for president of the UNITED STATES, oh, thats right you can't, you live in canada:p. (wow this thread is really goin' wacky)
fireinxb I honestly do not have a valid answer to your query, if only they had an option in voting 'none of the above'

I can only suggest little things like stop using debit cards and credit cards on a level that would include a large number of the population of 1st world countries would have an impact as they love to keep us slaves to debt.

Stop shopping at Wal Mart, support small local business'.
Stop buying factory farmed frankenfoods and once again support your local farms.

It is obvious that the powers that be have it in thier agenda to squash public demostrations, sure we have the 'right to free speech' until it upsets others then its a nuisance and will be treated as such.

Boycotting certain business' might be another way to make our collective voices heard.

I know here in Canada we have a PM who is from the G Dubya Bush school of thought and is selling the natural resources of our country to the highest bidder.
(hells they want to run a pipeline thru the middle of BC with a tanker base in the same treacherous waters that a BC ferry ran aground a few years back, the super tankers they want to use are 3x the size of a ferry and any mishap would make the Exxon Valdez seem like someone spilled their coffee)

Not to mention our countries shame that is the Alberta tar sands (aside from the horrendous enviromental impact it causes also means that in times of a oil shortage means that our friends to the south get thier quota of oil before Canadian citizens do!!!)

Imagine how the US would react if we said NO, **** you, you can't have our oil...but then again there are already agreements in place and they have been in place for a long time that allow US troops in Canada in times of natural disasters or emergencies, same thing in the US, foreign troops allowed!

Or that one of the largest natural gas fracking extraction projects in the world goes on up in northern BC in the middle of nowhere...out of sight, out of mind and if you know how many millions of gallons of chemicals they use in fracking then you know they are poisoning our lands and water tables all in the name of profit for the wealthy elite..

We had the G20 summit in Toronto in '10 and it became a clusterfuck where any and all people where rounded up (people walking out of a theatres, restaurants and detained for days in wire cages in warehouses)
They pretty much suspended the Canadian Charter of Rights and turned it into a military zone...'do you have your papers? where are you heading?'

I could provide numerous more examples of how ****** Canada is eh but I digress....same ****, different pile.

You guys have the TSA expanding its power to train stations, bus stations and road side checks via VIPER (Visible Intermodal Protection and Response) teams....yet they show up at the local social services office in FLorida and put on a show of force, 'lets see your ID, why are you here?' WTF???

Do people not see what is happening and for the most the population has been numbed/dunmbed down to it...

For those sleepwalking thru thier lives as long as they can still get their large grande mocha chino and tune into the mind numbing assortment of television programming then all is well in thier world and they go thru life with blinders on....

for the rest of us weither it be in the UK, Aus, Canada and the US or other so called 1st world countries the harsh realities of what is really going burn brightly in the hearts and minds of alot of people yet collectivley we are not sure what to do..
DAMN ! So your saying if Obama is re-elected I shouldn't move to Canada because that's my plan ?[confused]
Your painting a pretty gloomy picture buddha, and im sure everything your saying is true. But i honestly dont see a single canidate worth a **** they all are crooked theives and have someone in there pockets. It realy is depressing to vote for the person you think is is less corupt than the other. I dont see the us pulling out of this mess untill we go bankrupt its the american way borrow borrow and when you cant pay your bills go on vacation and borrow more. And that seems to be the way obama thinks we will get outa the hole and sure if you borrow trillions of dollars throw it into the stock market it will look great temperarly , just long enuff to get him re-elected. Witch im afraid is the direction we are headed in . He just has baught to many votes with stimulus money and minorities. To be honest ron paul may be a better choice than all the canidates but doesnt stand a chance. Romney is the only one who can beat him.

Its a vicious cycle id love to know how to solve the ****** situation we are in. I dont think ron paul is the answer even though i do agree with 90% of what he preach's . So untill i learn how to speak better and solve are issues i guess were ****** !

Vote buellbradski/anrkism 2016 on are **** the government tour
Good to see your willing to be my running mate. Id say due to my poor grammer and lack of education i wouldnt stand a chance but hell i cant be much worse than gwb. So all i need now is a **** ton of money for a campain.
Im thinkin a black bus with anadised red rims and a huge anarchy a in red of course the when we win air force one gets the same sceme . Also were gonna legalize weed ,reform welfare , get rid of helmet laws to weed out squids than make thread locking illegal and put a weight limit on blast riders. Aka blastards

Bradski/Anrkism 2016 ftw
than make thread locking illegal

LMFAO!! Had to toss that one in!!

Romney is the only one who can beat him.

Only if we think that way and Keep choossing the less of 2 evils rather than gambe on a different path that you even agree with 90% of. Instead of us saying "Oh he will never win, i'll vote for Romney instead" Give the chance to Paul. And use your good long smart sounding words and spelling to persuade others!! Wish I could sound as intelligent as you. (being serious here) And if Paul Fails...**** it all then,

Anrkizm95/Bradski, I support you!!
Who are you gonna vote for Buddabuell? you know for president of the UNITED STATES, oh, thats right you can't, you live in canada

I would do the same as I did for our last federal election, I wrote NON OF THE ABOVE on the ballot, I am sure they tossed it right away..

canoodling with his buds in big business was what got Stephen 'the *********' Harper re-elected with a majority after running this ****** up country with a minority gov for years..

Your painting a pretty gloomy picture buddha
I am not a gloom and doom kinda guy, just a guy who wants to wake other people up.

Let me add that I too was digging what RP was saying but come on when was the last time a Pres or politician came thru on thier promises..

end the FED, sure, if the banks allow you too, I am all for bringing troops home but what will they do when they get here, are there jobs lined up for them??
do people realize that alot of vets are homeless, have PTSD and do not get the help and or treatment they deserve, so much for the goverment taking care of it's warriors..
(again same ****, different pile..
as it is happening here in Canada eh, I have friends enlisted and overseas that are wondering wtf they are doing protecting poppy fields in Afghanistan, seeing friends killed by people who obviously do not want people from other countries occupying thiers...
see how I react if foreign troops plant themsleves in Canada...
can you say Buddha the insurgent, heres an IED, have a nice nice day mother fuckers)

but I digress,
whats the old saying 'if something seems to good to be true, it is!'

the rhetoric they all spew is nothing more then a verbal ******* for the masses...

then his recent stance on moving the US' embassy from Tel Aviv to Jeruselum makes me think that he will do the bidding of Israel as well as the many, many military contractor companies that have given him financial contributions..

..it is a fact that Congressman Paul 'Mr. Outsider Who Fights the Establishment', is in reality Congressman Paul 'Mr. Insider Who Takes The Big Money From The Establishment'

whose pocket is he in you may want to ask yourselves..

vote for non of the above and join the revolution

what was the quote from Thomas Jefferson?

'What country can preserve its liberties if its rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance?'

and Eisenhower stated in 1961

"In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the militaryindustrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.

We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.