3 locked threads

Buellxb Forum

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Thats a pretty specific choice of words there, are YOU saying I choose to troll?

Dude, all i can say to you is grow up. You want a mod spot then be a mature person.

I just got done telling my friend in real life that when his gf trys to start drama with me i wont play. Youre like a immature kid.
This thread is pretty disappointing. It's filled with a bunch of guys involved in a pissing fight that's not going to get anyone anywhere. You all need to grow up.
It's pretty clear you do give a ****, since you came in here spewing your vitriol and adding nothing to an otherwise pointless argument.

Well played? I guess everyone needs to feel important sometimes.
Hey man. You're welcome to the job. We sit here reading the same threads over, and over again. We offer help when we can. We delete spam threads 24/7. We stick around even after we stop riding Buells. I'm sorry that you feel like the job isn't done well just because we lock a few threads from time to time to keep things civil.

I never felt special or unique because I was a moderator. I did it because I wanted to help the forum out. Every now and then, even though you guys are my clients, friends, and fellow riders, you guys nearly convince me that it's not worth it.
IMHO this thread should officially be renamed "MAXIMUM TROLLING"

Lol that or just lock it and call it done everyone is acting like a bunch of 9 year olds fighting over a power ranger toy.
call it done

i agree. IMO blast guys do seem touchy (no offense intended) and the MOD.s well, its there call i figure if u dont like whats said in a thread than dont read it and if dont like what the Mod. locks start a new thread. Hell i dunno i just wanted to get one post in b4 i went to bed[cool]
jetlee... mate you gotta pull back a bit. you are not coming off right trying to straighten out people or points of view. you gotta relax a bit. get some feathers and let the water ride.

loki. my missus started on a vtr250. awesome little 2500cc veetwin. she learned to ride the nuts off that thing and it was only when she was taking double throttle twists to keep up out of corners etc, we knew to upgrade. next was a cagiva raptor 650 twin. she only had that for a year, then it was the buell xb9. she loves that thing to death till she parts. and she is only 5'2" and 110pounds (50kgs)
^^^Agreed. Now I have never had any dealings w/Jet, but I did notice all the hate from the new blast guys once we merged, I didnt take it personally or get all butt hurt, but it didnt make me any more welcoming.

I havnt really had any arguements with anyone on here, so I feel my opinion is objective. Jet you really need to back it up. Even in this thread, your not acting like a Mod should, your just bickering right back at ppl. Its not very appropriate for a forum leader.

And Octo; If you support his opinions and thread locks come out and say it. But dont sit there and passivly defend him.. Personally it comes off as you dont agree with his actions but feel like you should defend him because he's a Mod. It reminds me of police that cover up for other police that **** up.

Again, I dont have and grief with anyone here, but I can help but notice whats going on.
I havnt really had any arguements with anyone on here, so I feel my opinion is objective. Jet you really need to back it up. Even in this thread, your not acting like a Mod should, your just bickering right back at ppl. Its not very appropriate for a forum leader.

And Octo; If you support his opinions and thread locks come out and say it. But dont sit there and passivly defend him.. Personally it comes off as you dont agree with his actions but feel like you should defend him because he's a Mod. It reminds me of police that cover up for other police that **** up.
This is the point EXACTLY ! this is worded perfectly and makes the point. That's all I have to say on this subject. [up]
First, of course I support jetlee because he's a mod. I'm a mod, he's a mod. Just like I support Buell riders. I was a Buell rider, you all are Buell riders. We all naturally align with the groups with whom we identify. It's only natural, and it's usually a good thing. I'm not trying to cover anything up.

Additionally, when I see members who LOVE to stir **** up stirring **** up (shocker, right?), I'm not surprised that thread locks follow. In fact, I reviewed the whole of that thread, and feel that 1) the buellxb members were being unnecessarily aggressive as a primary cause of the outcome, and 2) that a thread lock was a totally logical conclusion. Whether or not jetlee got involved personally and continued the mud slinging is completely immaterial to me, because I don't care WHO did it. The fact of the matter is the thread got out of control, it needed to get locked, and it did get locked.

Finally, it saddens me that a bunch of adults are behaving like 14 year old high school bullies. Of course the Blast riders were bummed out to see that their forum and all of their content disappeared over night. Sure they voiced their discontent, as you are doing here in this thread. You know what? The stuff they complained about is the same damn stuff you guys have complained about over the years since you all have joined. Instead, aligning with the group they most identify with (BuellXB members, in this case), old members here somehow decided that this was different and used it as an impetus to create an unhealthy dynamic. I've gone through thread after thread after thread in the Blast section and seen old members giving them a hard time for their bike choices, for their mod choices, for their riding style choices. Naturally they're going to get defensive, just as you guys get defensive when Harley riders (the big guy in this case) pick on Buell riders at large in the same way. I just don't get how you guys don't see a parallel between the two cases, and use it as a guide for toning down the ******** just a little bit. Now that there's someone standing up for them, though, you are all pretending to be the victim. It's classic middle school bully ********: start some trouble, have it turned around on you, and then develop a ******* retarded persecution complex about how you've been targeted and wronged by the people you sought to single out and cause trouble for. It's just stupid. You just keep giving excuses to justify what is wholly immature behavior. Nobody in this equation is right, and nobody is wrong. Everyone (and I mean everyone) needs to grow the **** up.
im not quoting that wall of text, though I did read it all.

1st. No, its not your job to stick up for other mods regardless, you are a moderator of a forum, if that means you have to moderate other mods, then so god damnmed be it.

2nd. I was offended by all the hate being spewed at BuellXB in general during the merger, them calling out our forum, our details, our members. I have been a part of this forum and have never, repeat, never complained about any aspect of it. Some forums are different than others, I accept that, not everything can be the same for everyone, change is a part of life, I deal with it w/o complaint, so should they.

3rd. Where did I start **** in any of the threads being locked? The answer is I did not, yet I was not so much offended, but taken aback that they were all locked, by one mod. I didnt start the ****, it may have gotten a bit rough, but not lock this thread rough.

Im not an aggressor in any situation on this board, yet JetLees comments and actions offended me. Im not playing any victim after attacking, so how do I fit into you scenario above?
taken aback that they were all locked, by one mod.

I only locked two threads, in the Blast section. One was asking to post links to competing sites in search of better information, the other appears to be the main focus here.

I don't know what this third thread is that you guys are talking about. So obviously they weren't all locked by me.
I'm not reading all of this because it's just senseless..
My opinion, (Not that any of you care). The segregation between riders and the pissing matches that ensue are pathetic..
We are all here because we like to ride and we want to help other people keep their bikes going without spending a small fortune.
I don't care whether it's Ducati vs Jap vs BMW vs XB's vs Blast vs Big Twin vs Sporter. We all have one thing in common, We like to ride, but that just not enough, every group finds some reason or another to put the others down..
In all my years of riding I've found the MOST accepting group of rider are the offroad crowd, They seem to be the most diverse, accepting group of motorcyclists I've ever come across with the least amount of prejudices I've ever seen..
I'll jump in a thread when I have something to offer the OP but not too much to just shoot the ****..
Keep serving up the good technical info, but for camaraderie and good discussion I'll stay with Thumpertalk...
One was asking to post links to competing sites in search of better information
This right here was utter ******** jet. Thats just like if a customer came into my work and we didnt have the product he wanted but when he asked if there was anywhere else that sold said item, we just kicked him out of the store.

Seems like a good intent but its not. This forum is not about getting and keeping all traffic, its about sharing passion, information, and stories with everyone.

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