ah women

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listen up, kids. wisdom of ages **** ahead....
#1. if a stork brings babies, what kind of bird doesnt?

a swallow.

#2. if it has tits or wheels, it is going to give you problems.
#3 is you best friend, be grateful, and don't mess up the friendship.
Don't you want your girlfriend or wife to be your best friend? Earlier in the year I was dating someone I had not seen in years. I thought it was going to be great. I found that I wanted to spend more time with Ashleigh, my best friend, than my girlfriend. As you can imagine my girlfriend hated that and she knew I was not in love with her but my best friend.
Flip a coin. Cause at that very moment when its in the air, youll know exactly which one you want.;)
there's gotta be more to it than what you can put into text. ...

and there's gotta be better people to ask on a 'motorcycle forum' than ones like ... welll, ME.

how about people in your life who care about you and allready know the situation, you and the ladies in your life
mom? dad? brother? sister?
well I'm kinda asking for everyone's oppinion.
there is a lot to it that I can't put to text but any oppinion is better than none. I've been pondering about this for 2 months and everyone that's seen what I've been through dealing with #1 says no, #2 they know as my coworker/ best friend and #3 they just know I like to cook and hang out with her
Hey nilla! We're what you call "Experts" :D Just think, we give a guy whom we've never met advice, if he uses said advice and it doesn't work out, we never have to look him in the eye! What could be better than that? ha ha... Isn't the internet awesome? Live advice from total strangers who's only qualifications are that they ride the same kind of bike as you :p
the input given also gives me an idea as to what everyone is like

like I said, I have a degree in psychology

but I have huge concerns with causing an environment where my daughter sees her parents cohabitate while they hate each other. and if anyone has input about growing up like that it's welcome too
#4 aka. none of the above mentioned.

1:eek:bviously too conceited to recognize their own mistakes.
3:hot but has a kid of their own, that reeks havoc.

Play the field a little, find someone whom doesn't have the ties of a child but accepts you and yours. Find one thats beautiful and driven who doesnt need you. The ones here seem like they would cause too much drama. Theres another out there, and eventually youll find her.
Well it's kliche and corny but you gotta go with the heart man! The brain will always lie and tell you **** is ok when it's not! I tend to stay away from Ex's for the fact that they are an Ex for a reason!! The one who cheated is automatically out, and the FWB one doesnt seem to want anything?? Personally I'd be careful bout the friend cause if it goes bad you lose a friend and a girlfriend? So yeah....I dont think I helped at all there!! Sorry
plus 1 kuntreeboy

#1 and no custody battle and no support paynents.and your with your kid every night.a cheater will always cheat though.
#2 no
#3 seems like the right time for both of you and your already close with no bad history to get past.

#3 imo
plus 1 anrkizm95

I think it might do more harm than good
propably so! very much correct! you dont have to be with someone you cant trust or dont love or who cheats on you just so you can take great care of your kids or see them, just love your kids and treat like they mean the world to you ,because they do mean the world to you! and sooner or later you will win the custody battle or better yet the kid(s) will choose to live with you when they can legally choose that.

if you only have the three to choose from , then go with number 3 .
but hey there alot of women out there, that are great women unlike the first 2 on your list. so either go with # 3 or find another
(one you have yet to meet) or have her(#3) help you find another that you can truely enjoy your life with and be happy with for a very long long time.
good luck brother [up]:)[up]
mate it is easy... NONE of them.

if you have to come to a forum to get the input to find who it is you love and actually want to share your life with, then obviously it is not with any of the above. they are all infatuation and lust. if it was more then you would know it and act on it and be sorted all ready.

you obviously havent found that right person yet and have simply just caused some by product and inadvertant interraction based on the simple fact that we all liked to get laid.

getting laid is the easy part. finding that special one is just one of those things that happens. you try looking for it and you wont find it, and end up simply with a whole heap of mess just like you have now.

the answer you seek cant be found here by people who are only going to judge appearance with knowing anything else. you can seek other stories to help you to evaluate, but at hte end of the day it will find you and when it does you will know it and you wont need to be messing with other peoples emotions or seeking others point of view.
You have gotten some good advise here. We have all been through **** like this with the ladys.So here is my 5cents worth.Do nothing take some time off get the **** strait with the ex. Stay away from any commited relationship. Your heart will tell you when she is the one there will be no decision to make. At this time any decision will be the wrong one. imo Be Well
I agree that you should just work on you. Not saying you got problems, but relationships complicate things and some people will go from one to the other quickly to have someone in their life. The fact that you have a dilemma between the three should indicate that perhaps you should just slow everything down. i would certainly figure out what my stance is with my kid and I know each state is different, but I had a pretty easy divorce and split custody right down the middle with my ex. She gets to be a pain to deal with, but for the sake of ease, I don't make waves and I get my kids three days on three days off. As much as I love them, the Mother and I both get time to do grown up stuff. I imagine in the future, my daughters will make a decision on who they want to live with for the majority, but for now, I am a big part in their lives and that is what I wanted. Every other weekend wouldn't work for me, and I layed down the law that the only cuss words we could say to each other through the whole event would be "full custody" from either side!

Sorry that she is not mature enough to see that there can be a fair split and if you are majoring in Psychology, then you must know that there is a separate root fear somewhere in her decision. No physical custody even if you are living together and you are supposed to work this out how?? I would figure out where I stand with her and what role I would be playing in my child's life (whether court appointed or not) before considering the complications (and let's not kid ourselves, even the best ones are complicated) of a relationship. Hope it all works out though!
Well i sure hope this isnt offencsive i dont mean it to be. But girl number one looks A LOT like Casey Anthony. Just sayin
i agree with play the field. i have a couple of smoking hot female best friends that i wouldnt ever attempt to date. it just makes things awkward. find a new one
When the right one comes, you'll know and have no doubts. You shouldn't have to pick a girl. It should just be certain. I'd say just be single 'till the right one comes. Don't go to a cheater. I did that and got burned twice. Not worth it. Once a cheater always a cheater.
I think your in the wrong place for love advice but i gotta agree with two guns. dont **** with the baby mamma keep a good relationship with her for the kids sake maybe plow the other 2 untill the next thing comes around.Dont try to make a relationship work if it doesnt work naturaly it aint ment to be.Again im no expert on love im just a idiot on a buell forum. you want better advice ask dear abbey.[smirk]

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