Airbag motorcycle jacket anyone?

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ya that's the same exact video i just posted a link to browland..

man that black jacket for $270 is just nice and simple like i like my clothing,..i mean if it really comes with a MOTOAIR Airbag in it, and i have to buy a jacket anyway,.. i don't know how i could NOT buy it, lol
cool videos links & Q's answered ! .yes i know that i can read those just thought i would post my questions so other buellers here could get some answers and maybe help them figure out about if the jacket is right for them and maybe they didnt think of those Q's because thats been me, on some other issues where i was reading a thread a seen someone elses Q's and said to myself ; why didnt i think of that Q's (or that way to fix that problem or diagnose it )and thought glad they posted that i might not thought to ask that or got different answers from what i found or different answers from the posters, or thought of it later , then possibly not think of it later or something because we can all get busy from time to time.
as for the testing only if someone pays for a millon$ life insurance and give me some HD or ricer to crash, dont want ruin anyones buell, LOL.. . joking we can leave that to the test dummies or the dummies that super speed like idiots on the roads ..funny funny .
DIYer, I'm not here to argue with you. But you don't have a clue as to what you are talking about. I don't care what you do or what you make, you are wrong. There will always be another manufacturer or other provider that can make the same "safe" product for less money and that will bring the price down. Grow up and get a clue, and when your little business that you think is so important gets competition lets see how long you keep your premium prices up there.
Did you ever read before you replied? What you just said is exactly what i said, you have no idea what i was even talking about, re-read it and you'll see you just stuck your foot in your mouth moron, lol
...and FYI mr knows not of others before he talks about them, my business is hardly "little", and has encounter competition, but a superior product will always sell for more moron,.. nooooooo you don't seem to be here to argue at all, lol
DIYer, why don't you just take it down a notch, eh?

As an impartial observer, you've clearly been a bit aggressive in your responses to other members. Relax.
ya, you sound impartial, lol
..dude i don't care what you think.

Back to the issue at hand, that site got back to me already, here's our correspondence.

Questions i asked:

1) Do you have pictures of the "Mesh Lining" in the Airtex Basic?
( I do not has any pictures of the mesh lining)

2)Does the Airtex Basic for S$270.00 come with a liner?
( the airtex basic do has a liner fix inside the jacket.)

3) I'm wondering how it would be riding with it in the desert of Las Vegas during summer since that's where i live.
Warmer then any other sleeveless jacket? ( the airtex basic has a removable sleeve – which look like a vest when taken out )

4) What is a "Removable Rain Coat",.. it says it has that too.
The Airtex no longer has a removable rain coat, only the extreme jackets do has it. It is a breathable water resistant liner that can be remove when is hot and sunny and put it back if it rain. )

5) Any pictures of the CE approve shoulder and elbow armour?
Visit my web site again under the accessories title.

6) It says it comes with an "Airtex B Type Airbag",. .are there other types?
We has A type airbag for Versatile Vest only. This model allow rider to wear this vest under or over their favorite jacket.

7) Are the Co2 cartridges specific or can one use any 38 gram Co2 cartridge bought locally from say a paint ball gun shop?
( The co2 cartridge is design for our motoair jackets which require very high pressure to inflated the airbag within 0.2 – 0.5 second
On another note that site buddah found is in Singapore, so the $ amounts on there site are a lot less them USD,.. but it looks like they charge $100 for shipping so it kinda equals out, lol
ya, you sound impartial, lol
..dude i don't care what you think.

Just because I don't agree with you doesn't mean that I'm prejudiced against you.

I mean, I have no stock in you or your enemies, and I could care less about airbag jackets. I'm just saying you're a bit aggressive. Take it or leave it. I think you'll find you'll get a friendlier response to your posts if you don't go for the throat.

Really, it doesn't matter to me. If you insist on being aggro I think you'll find a better environment over on BadWeB.

We have these on aircraft carriers called float coats. I see some practical jokes coming from this. lol. Hope you can just tuck it back in and hook a new cartridge in.
you can,.. there just like parachutes more or less, only a lot easier to repack from what ive seen in repack videos.
I just ordered the Airtex Basic for me and the Versatile for my girlfriend from
total was $410 USD. We'll see how good they are...
I dont think I would ever want to have to find out how good my gear works. But I sure do like having it for when I have to find out.
I only watched part of the first video posted, but didn't anyone else notice that the thing inflated BEFORE impact? If it has that sort of ability, maybe it should warn you BEFORE you wreck, so that you can avoid it all together. :)

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