Any power at highway speeds in fifth gear??

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Also, anyone know where I can purchase the Bluetooth module for ecmspy? I want datalogging capabilities wirelessly. I built an electric motorcycle in college as a capstone project and wireless datalogging was so useful.
Tried the tps reset tonight and took it for a ride. Didn't seem to help. Here is a better description of what is going:
Seems to pull hard in lower gears. I don't crank on it too hard since I'm not used to the weight distribution yet (front end is lighter than any other previous bike). As soon as I get to 65-70 mph in 5th gear, it is running around 3300 rpms. When I either crack it or ease in to WOT I can hear the bike ramp up a little like it is trying but it goes no where. As soon as i bring the throttle back down to match the cruising speed, it feels fine. In the lower gears it pulls hard in the higher rpms. I am now waiting on the cable to arrive to hook it up.

Could this be why? Oil looks a tad full...
fuel volume/pressure

did the bike sit for a long time?

in lower gears theres not as much fuel needed at higher rpm than is in 5th gear.
No, the rpms don't increase at all. They might actually drop a tad. It just sounds like it wants to go. It doesn't feel like a slipping clutch. More like it just isn't getting enough air or fuel. I just haven't had enough time to tear too much into it yet.
The bike did sit for a year or so. I have all new gas in it but haven't tried seafoam in the tank yet to clean it out. The oil was changed right before it sat however it is fairly dark so I will go ahead and change it, not to mention it was really full.
Really full?? Explain.

Wtf man. Change the oil, takes 10 minutes

Pull the airbox... Maybe you are spitting oil into the velocity stack via the pcv vent hoses.
Also, drain the primary and replenish fluid there. I pull in 5th all day long. The engine is a torque monster..... At least when it's maintained properly.
This is the first time I am checking the oil after having the bike for a week. Due to my schedule, I haven't had time to thoroughly go through the bike to change the fluids and perform a tune up.
After checking the oil today, I have already drained both the swingarm and primary. Picking up oil tomorrow on my way home from work. I am pretty sure it was spraying oil though. Where my exhaust leak was (missing header stud nut on front header) there was evidence of some oil down the backside of the front header pipe that I missed. Are there any components that could have been ruined from this that I need to check? I will definitely be pulling spark plugs to make sure they aren't fouled up.
Did you pull the airbox and filter to check if there's a mouse nest in your throttle body?

If it sat for a year, stranger things have happened.

Then again, if there was one in there it'd be gone by now and parked somewhere between the cylinders and the muffler.

Sounds more like fuel starvation as has been suggested. Time to drain the tank and pull the pump my friend.
given all other things normal. no doubt in my mind.

does the fuel pump sound consistent during key on, ignition on priming?
Yea the fuel pump just has the high pitch "whine" i guess like any other fuel pump I have heard. And its consistent. Doesn't sound like it is gurgling at all or about to crap out so I think the pump itself is fine but may have restrictions in it somewhere (i.e. clogged).

I did pull the air box and filter, everything in there is clean with no signs of anything every living there.
I think the pump itself is fine but may have restrictions in it somewhere (i.e. clogged).
It's worth checking for sure, but your symptoms don't sound totally consistent with fuel starvation either. IME, inadequate fuel supply would result in more of a 'mis-fire' than a 'bogging' like you're describing.
I did pull the air box and filter
Check for vacuum leaks while you're in there. An intake leak will cause the symptom you're describing.

You also described an oil leak around the header/head? It's be worth running a compression test to ensure you don't have a blown gasket, which would also cause a lack of power like you describe.
Was talking with Urban_Assault (previous member) he thinks it might be unburnt fuel leaking by the header since it's not smoking like oil would. This is possible I guess.
i would say thats not very likely

that much unburned fuel to where you would suspect oil leak?

its easy to smell fuel if thats what it is. i would suspect more of rocker box seal