anybody good with electronic´s for the fuell indicator?? help..

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Sorry, danish. I must've looked over this thread in the past few days.

Your best bet is to take some voltage readings at the yellow/red-stripe wire (at the fuel pump side) at different fuel levels with the bike stationary. That's probably the best way to determine to wire up the rest of the circuit.

@moto - I can see the diode blinking a lot. I'm sure the factory put in a "timer"/counter when designing the low fuel light. Not that difficult to do.
@moto - I can see the diode blinking a lot. I'm sure the factory put in a "timer"/counter when designing the low fuel light. Not that difficult to do.
I'm no good when it cam’s to electrical stuff and even worse on electronics but if you are right, and if it’s not that difficult to plug a timer/counter, I suppose you just need to know what timer/counter exactly to put in, right? Is it difficult to know what electronic part is in there?
If Sirius is correct then you just need to make a little electronic cluster of your one and weld a diode to inform you that the bike is low on fuel. Or is a lot difficult than I’m thinking?
The biggest thing is knowing how the fuel pump signal acts with different amounts of fuel and what I want my "trigger" voltage to be. From there, the "trigger" voltage can start a timer. If the voltage disappears before the timing is complete, the low fuel light will not illuminate. Additionally, if the light is on an the voltage goes away (ie more fuel), a timer must start again to avoid false triggers.

Shouldn't be that difficult unless the voltage range is low. A wider range might be better. We'll see what data Danish can get me/us.
sorry for the delay..

the only thing i can messure is 1 Kohm

and that is all the time..
with full fuel
NO Fuel
low Fuel

its shows the same every time i messure at the wire

the is no VOLTAGE

ANY Idee of what i can do to make it work? so I can place a diode to show when its low on fuel

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