There seems to be some controversy amongst various tech writers/journalists with google+, specifically how the google search function is shaping up to work. I don't really understand it completely, but the google search results are now being filtered with google+ user info first rather than a more accurate search response to the subject being searched.
So the way I understand it, if you were searching let's say Buells, the first results from the google search would be from google+ users first, then whatever google determine would be the most accurate result. Whereas previous google searches would've just resulted in the more accurate results minus the google+ results.
As a result, you have to sift through the google+ results to get to what you want, or the traditional google results. Please help fill in details or make corrections to this, as this is just how I understand it to work and that may not be exactly correct.
Several of these writers ended their pieces with the statement that they'd be switching their default to Bing.