Anyone using Google+

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Oct 9, 2006
I was curious how many of you are on Google+ and what you thought about it? Some time ago we added the Google +1 button to the top of every page. I noticed 31 people have clicked +1 on our homepage.
See I need to read more. I though you were talking about google chrome. [down] for me. That's what I get for failbloging so late at night.

I think most people have google +, they just don't use it. I created an account, but it was very limited and confusing, so I'm still using facebook. I'm sure it will grow and they will add features over time just like facebook did, but until then, I'm sticking with facebook. I will click the button though.
There seems to be some controversy amongst various tech writers/journalists with google+, specifically how the google search function is shaping up to work. I don't really understand it completely, but the google search results are now being filtered with google+ user info first rather than a more accurate search response to the subject being searched.

So the way I understand it, if you were searching let's say Buells, the first results from the google search would be from google+ users first, then whatever google determine would be the most accurate result. Whereas previous google searches would've just resulted in the more accurate results minus the google+ results.

As a result, you have to sift through the google+ results to get to what you want, or the traditional google results. Please help fill in details or make corrections to this, as this is just how I understand it to work and that may not be exactly correct.

Several of these writers ended their pieces with the statement that they'd be switching their default to Bing.