Anyone want to swap tails?

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Aug 8, 2009
Hi, I just picked up my 05 Firebolt...I wanted a Lightning, but the price was pretty good on this 'Bolt. I am in Eugene OR and would be interested in swapping tail sections with a Lightning, we can do the swap in my garage...My tail will need some paint...Take a look.


Hey brother. Hard to tell from here, but looks like a pretty slick paint job. I'll be in Corvallis starting at the end of september, but have a buddy down in Creswell that I ride with on the reg. Let's cruise one of these days.
The paint is a matter of taste....and it is not my cup of tea. I am going to start sanding and painting on Tuesday. I am still getting the hang of the street bike riding, but if you promise not to leave me in the dust, I am up for a spirited ride! HWY 126 from V-Town to Florence is a nice piece of road for bikes.
Definitely. I used to hit that road with the KLR on the regular. I'm still getting used to street bikes too. I was all dual-sport until the Buell, so I promise you won't be left behind. I'm a mellow rider feelers to the concrete for me.

Where do you get your paint done in the valley?
Where do I get my paint done? Too funny. It is going to get done in my garage! Right now, I am trying to decide on all flat black, or black for the frame and tan for the plastic. I have a lot going on in the next several months. After I get things a bit more settled, I can strip it down, have the frame blasted and get some new plastic if I want to. I saw a pic of a Firebolt with a really chopped front fairing and I liked it...I might go for it.
Ah the rattlecan paint job. Always a classic. Did the flat black for my KLR. It looked awesome until the first time I hit mud. Then I had a hell of a time getting the bike clean. It's a reasonable color for a street bike (those flat black ducati 999s are hot as hell), but a terrible idea for a bike that goes anywhere near dirt.
That is why I am thinking a semi-gloss rather than straight flat black, although flat black makes me smile!
if you go semi-gloss or satin, I HIGHLY recommend you keep it polished. Porous paint finishes like flat/satin/semi-gloss can pick up dirt and other stuff that can make your paint look terrible. Keeping it waxed and/or polished will protect the paint and give the paint a nice pop too.
Cool. I have the frame and swinger drying right now. I want to get the bike finished this week. I am riding dunes tomorrow and hoping to finish the plastic on Wednesday. Taking the front end apart far enough to paint properly will be a pain...Perhaps Thursday morning?