Bad Mouthing Buell XBs

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Most of them say it because of HD, they don't know that the engines internals are different than the Sporster engine.Also they hate the HD cruiser culture.

Our bikes do have more useable power on most streets but I do feel it has a big disadvantage in the engine dept. I like to rev an engine up high and hear it scream, I'm an F1 and Moto GP fan and that's what I grew up on. Now the 1125 is the ticket!

As far as handling goes and top end weight, there's a slight weight advantage with XB's, handling, the I4"s are just as good and flickable in my opinion, I ride either a ZX10(in my garage right now), R1 or CBR or GSXR everyday (I work for an independent dealer)and I can toss them around really easily, in fact I like the slightly longer wheel base for stability and comfort better than my 9R. A riders ability factors into it more than the bike, for sure, I can beat some guys in the twistys and other riders who are better than me on 600's can beat me. Many liter bike guys are just posers, a lot of guys I know who've ridden for decades are going middle weight for the fun factor. Since they are so experienced they can eat up the other guys on the bigger bikes.

I guess I have the best of all worlds, got my 9, my 675 Triumph and any bike in the show room floor. Yes we have an 1125R currently too

My own experience with other riders' opinions of my XB12XT is pretty black and white. Old, experienced riders with "high end" bikes admire the Buell. What I mean is that I've had several BMW and Ducati owners comment on my XT and they've all looked at it with at least a "nod of admiration" - as I would of their bikes.

Most younger or inexperienced riders seem to think that a 'Busa or any liter-plus metric bike is the cream of the crop. Several don't even know what a Buell is or have never even heard of it. In fact I met a Harley rider that had never heard of Buell. No lie.
And granted pretty much every bike built nowadays is pretty darn good. So the only way to "compare" is with apples-to-apples. Others have stated quite clearly and correctly that comparing a GSX-R or i4 "R" bike to a twin air-cooled *anything* is ludicrous. Compare a Lotus Exige to a Lamborghini Aventendor... both really amazing vehicles but with completely different purposes behind their design. (In this example the Buell is the Lotus)

I wave on my way by any bike. Even a scooter - even one of those piddly little 50cc scooters where the girl on it is wearing a pink helmet. We all ride on two wheels. I love my XB - but it isn't for everyone.
I wave on my way by any bike. Even a scooter -
Accidentally waved at one of those little scooters with two tiny wheels in front :p the rider had no clue what the wave was for.
a guy was driving down the road in a Rhino and waved at me, i waved back bec i thought it was just funny. and some kid tearing up his front yard with a dirtbike.


scooters are a no, if you want my respect on a scooter you best pass me doing a wheelie. there is some girl in my apt complex that drags her feet around on her scooter, makes her look super special. Apparently she doesnt realize you are supposed to rest your feet on the flat part of them. The plastics are all smashed up too, i watched her turn too sharp and hit the curb. it was great. she asked if my buell was a scooter or a motorcycle.[down]
Its good to hear everyones opinions on the Buell, Ive been out of the sport for about 10 years and alot has changed, yet some things stay the same. I formed my own opinion about the Buell independantly because I no longer read "the rags". I just liked how it looked, the figures looked good so I wanted to own one. I dont regret it! Like alot of you guys are saying, when I run into a good rider, he tends to get that "look in his eye" when he checks my bike out. Its different and its just LOOKS like its gonna be fun to ride and so far, IM having a ******* BLAST on it! I got a full set of Icon Stryker Field Armor, some Knox leg gaurds and a Icon "Americanca" patterent helmet I got these wicked Spanish "Industrial Street Figher" shoes made by "New Rock" that look wicked as .. when I got all black clothes on underneath on that black bike the Helmet with the "old Glory" design on it just sets the whole "American sport bike" thing off! Harley slugs go ******* wild when they pull up next to me. Especially the "Full dressers" You guys notice those old guys on the full dressers have "upped thier game" as of late? Some of those old geezers are looking fashionable as hell nowadays.. I saw an old dude about 65 or 70 in full black and orange leathers Red Baron Goggles and gauntlets with boots.. he looked like he stepped out of 1919 or something. He looked good!