Its good to hear everyones opinions on the Buell, Ive been out of the sport for about 10 years and alot has changed, yet some things stay the same. I formed my own opinion about the Buell independantly because I no longer read "the rags". I just liked how it looked, the figures looked good so I wanted to own one. I dont regret it! Like alot of you guys are saying, when I run into a good rider, he tends to get that "look in his eye" when he checks my bike out. Its different and its just LOOKS like its gonna be fun to ride and so far, IM having a ******* BLAST on it! I got a full set of Icon Stryker Field Armor, some Knox leg gaurds and a Icon "Americanca" patterent helmet I got these wicked Spanish "Industrial Street Figher" shoes made by "New Rock" that look wicked as .. when I got all black clothes on underneath on that black bike the Helmet with the "old Glory" design on it just sets the whole "American sport bike" thing off! Harley slugs go ******* wild when they pull up next to me. Especially the "Full dressers" You guys notice those old guys on the full dressers have "upped thier game" as of late? Some of those old geezers are looking fashionable as hell nowadays.. I saw an old dude about 65 or 70 in full black and orange leathers Red Baron Goggles and gauntlets with boots.. he looked like he stepped out of 1919 or something. He looked good!