Hmm 4 Posts and they were all written in the effort to sour everyone on the reputation of someone who has passed and can't even defend themselves. Not one of the posts is about a buell or even riding in general, so it's kind of interesting the poster uses the word "Us". Probably the same person who wrote the blogpost as they would probably be the only one who could find the blog with one entry ever. Also the blog says that it's opinion of behavior exhibited and now this poster states it as fact.
Could it be true, who knows? I think there's about at least a 100 of us on here that traded a few words or posts with Aaron, that knows how he acted toward us. So let's continue to roll our eyes at the classless person who would attack the reputation of someone who passed on; and was a son, a brother, a father, a fiance and inspiration to members of this board that continue to strive to help the rest of us.
In fact perhaps we need a wall or section of the site for the buellers that are no longer with us. Aaron, Noah & his GF (before my time here) and other Board members.