BAD NEWS: RIP delta one

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Can we ban this guy? Theres never any reason to go out of your way to bash someone who has passed away.
elitedelete maybe what you say is true and maybe its not.but posting it on this forum dosnt do anyone justice.its true that you never know the person on the other side of a screen but my opinion of delta is based on this forum and the members that have met him.since you have only posted 4 times and all were to bad mouth a dead man just proves you knew him personally and have an sure his children loved him and would get great joy reading all the praise he recieved and the sadness over his death on these threads.the only thing you have done is hurt the people that loved him by your post.maybe the reason your daughter stays away from you is because your are a raving bitch.

mods should delete all posts related to this.
[up]+1 anrkizm95- I was thinking the same thing-There is a reason. The post was low, real low. And I agree the mods should delete!
Edited the post.

Quite curious thing is RT Performance, BuellChick, myself and a couple other members who were there seen Arron's family heard them speak, tell stories, and every one was of an amazing man who was selfless.

Also the people spoken of in that blog were at the funeral and family was repeatedly mentioned as Arron's first priority.
you never really know someone threw the internet...he had us all fooled. He was a wife beater!
I'll go with your theory of never knowing someone thru the internet and assume your a gay pedophile, child molesting dumb **** ! SERIOUSLY !! Low blow and says alot about yourself. [down]
Sorry to resurrect an old thread, I didn't know how to start a new one. If a moderator knows how to pull this to a new thread, please do so.

I'm looking for advice... I've been approached by several people asking to do a memorial ride. It looks like June 9 will be the best date. (6.9.12, Kinda weird, like counting by 3's, but missing a step along the way)

Anyhow, having never done this, here's what I've got so far. Gather in Muskegon at a point TBD (maybe the Navel Museum, maybe Baker College) and ride to Newaygo for lunch and activities.

The Grand Rapids contingent may want to start the ride there and take a break in Muskegon, then head out to the Newaygo destination. The facility in Newaygo I’ve been talking to is willing to host with a buffet lunch for under $10.

Here's the tricky part for me. Some people want to donate some REALLY nice items to raise money for the Arron Pedelty fund. While I don't feel comfortable asking people to donate, there are a few areas we could send money in his honor that easily come to mind.

So... The facility can provide a horse shoe tournament, corn hole tournament, and other activities like a 50/50 raffle along with helping raffle donated items like a vacation time share (over $10,000 value!), sail boat cruise on White lake, and more.

First and for most, this is supposed to be a memorial ride. Many of you guys knew a side of Arron that I didn't get to see very often. I'd like to know what you think, and if you have ideas on the issue.

Please feel free to send an e-mail to me at [email protected] put “Delta Run” in the subject line to get my attention.

Thanks to you all for your love and support. It has helped in the tough times, and hope it will still in the ones yet to come.


Jeff Pedelty
Wish I was a 1000 miles closer. But maybe us west coasters can do something here in conjunction and raise a buck or two :) L.A, O.C. and S.D. perhaps!
we still have at least a 1/2' of the white stuff on the ground so BamBam won't be excaping the dining room yet.. assured on March 5th we'll spend some time together and pay tribute to a fallen brother
Delta dad, see if there is a riders for riders chapter local to you, if not, Soldiers of the Cross, Patriot Guard, someone should be more than willing to help set everything up, Aaron was a veteran wasn't he, the Patriot Guard would probly be your best bet.
Best of luck, I wear my shirt often remembering your son
I've been in touch with Tom Plaska of the Patriot Guard in GR. I need to follow up with him again, but he thinks they could pull 40 - 50 bikes from there.

Again, being new at this, I'm willing to take advice from those that have done these before. There are also some from Baker College and some local bikers not affiliated with any clubs anymore that can help too.

Even if I don't get emo about this, it might be a bit of work. The good thing is these are all friends and will understand if I screw it up!
Hey I know it's been quite some time since the passing of Arron. It's coming up on our annual Delta Run and I would like to personally invite all of you who can attend. I'm sorry it's a little late, but I just came across this post today and figured you'd all like to come!
Annual Delta Run
June 13, 2015
8:00 am kickstands up from the American Legion in Rockford post 102. 330 Rockford Park Drive, Rockford MI 4934.
10:00 am at the USS Silversides in Muskegon, followed by a leisurely ride to 113 W. Woodrow St. In Fremont(Barb Cook's house). Originally it was set to meet in Edmore, but the restaurant there has closed and Barb graciously offered to make lunch for all of us at her house, which will include Pulled pork sandwiches, potato salad, ect. The cost for lunch will be $15.00 for adults (includes 2 drinks) and $5.00 for kids (hot dog, chips and drink). There will be family lawn games and activities, and we'll have a buy one get one ticket sale for 50/50 for all riders and guests.
*Feel free to jump in on the ride at any point in time, but if you have to leave early please let someone know so we don't look for you as a broken down rider somewhere along the road lost in the beauty of West Michigan!*
Delta one memory still rides in colorado TENERE1 (2).jpg

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