Well, he said the magic "and tightened it to spec, so"... which means that didn't happen at all:black_eyed: lol.
Bassx6, put on gloves and warm the engine first (a couple minutes at idle should be fine) if the plug is hard to remove...STOP! And heat the area further before continuing, otherwise the next thread you post will be; 'Help! I need a cylinder head!'
In the helpful link Silver provided, go to section 1.14 (page 1-37) and the spark plug torque spec is 11-18ft-lbs. Thats not "tightened pretty tight" at all, but is plenty to keep a 5/8" tapered plug in place for the 5,000 mile recommended inspection interval.
I know reading seems boring, but unless you have way more motorcycle repair experience that you seem to (no offense), the best way to save yourself money, time, and frustration is to peruse the info provided to you already in this thread. Good luck man