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RtPerformance hit it right on the head. Yes i do run lower temp which is one of the ways it squeezes out that little bit extra power. And Fabic if ur running a xb9 u dont have to switch any parts just remap to spray more fuel. however on a 12 ud prolly need to switch the injectors to a high pound because stock ones wont spray enough.

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Tyler,I'm just curious,what happens when you can't get E85.Will your bike still run on premium pump gas?
it will run but u wouldnt want to do that. u would be running so rich it wouldnt even be funny. ur spraying 30 percent more fuel so u do the math. Im personally not leaving it on it because i cant get it where im living now. Just was able to get it where i go to school at and at home for the summer doesnt have it. But it definetly is cool if you have access to e85 where ur at caus its cheap!
personally not a fan of E85 or any corn based fuel...
taking a food consumealbe and using a ton of energy to turn it into fuel is along the same lines as cutting down the rainforest to plant GMO soy..
The math say you spend more for e85. At 30% reduction in MPG, it would have to be $0.90 less per gallon to break even. Add in the cost of the additive for each fill up and you have to be more than $1 less per gallon to break even.
At only $0.30 less per gallon you are way in the hole.
So it the power gain and lower temp are possible benefits. But without a side by side gas vs e85 comparison, I can't say I could rationalize lowering my range per tank to less than 100 miles to fuel light.
personally not a fan of E85 or any corn based fuel...
taking a food consumealbe and using a ton of energy to turn it into fuel is along the same lines as cutting down the rainforest to plant GMO soy..
Thanks, I didn't want to be the first to say it. :p
E85 under very high compression is the ticket to more power over the gasoline.

many guys are running the E85 on the 4 cyls at the strip. but they are also pumping the compression way up to 13:1 plus. thats the starting point to see the advantage over gasoline. below that point they get less Hp I am told. they are gaining 10/15% avg Hp according to a local Rotary shop over gasoline. each car has needed bigger injectors they said. I have mixed feeling on it myself. I am not sure the crank pin and rods can handle that much compression for daily use. racing thats different street use naghhhh it will blow it IMO.
well thanks for yalls comments. for the one who was talking bout savings it is basically that much cheaper where i got it. but its all good. like yalls input on the topic. i just thougt it was kinda a cool thing. just the fact i actually did it.
I read this post and thought... hmmmm.. how can i make it work... it would be nice to have a little more kick in the top end when you need it like xoptimizedrsx said its great for race applications, such as if you want to run ur bike at the track and then change the map over after the weekend was over is this possible to do? and Tyler i was wondering if you have the map saved for ur E85 application and what additive did you use?
yes i do have my e85 map saved on my computer. takes me like 2 secs to switch back and forth between it and the race map. and its just a basic alcohol additive. its not really neccasary on e85 would be for methanol but it makes the exhaust smell like cherrys too. for those who went all political yall be stupid. i dont like the whole concept either but for one no rainforests are bein cut down caus its made of corn idiots! seriously its a bike forum not politics. just a different cool idea. thanks for all the ppl who were actually interested and curious
i think its cool but would be best suited for forced induction or higher compression. i have read some sae papers that the cooling effect(which reduces compression work) has increased power and torque by 2-3% compared to gasoline. Also e85 has a slightly faster burn rate so you wouldn't want to advance timing more. Maybe you could a little if the original map was knock limited but you want your 50% burn to be around 9° atdc. octane is just a measure to knock resistance not necessarily burn rate, they are two different things. a higher octane fuel wont make more power by itself.
i agree completely with you about it working better with forced induction and higher compression. unfortunately i cant afford or prolly find a turbo kit for the bike. and as higher compression. u help me on that. but it ran pretty good on it except when it was cold but when warmed up it definetly pulled slighty more top end. just something different that i hadnt seen on the forums