Bluetooth Adapter Group Buy - $51

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I need a refund. Business is business and I'd like to move on from this. I will PM you, buellxb9rs, if you want me to. Just refund my Paypal payment. Thanks and good luck with the rest of these.
Sitting on my desk, never said packaged up and ready to go. There you go yet again saying things that are not true.
By the sounds of this I am glad I didn't order one and jet is right you guy's are letting this go on way to long. Just my 2 cents.
Its wait and let him handle his ****, im sure hes good for the product eventually, or we can all yell at him piss him off request a refund that he probably couldnt give cause he invested most of that into this project.

Its not like hes a new forum member, or a serious lurker. Some people got theirs, so doesnt sound like he ran a scam on anyone. Its not the best service, but **** happens.

With that said, we do need our product that was purchased. Some of us arent in a hurry, but stepping up and getting this done would be a good idea so it can get put behind us all.
If there are people who want a refund I would be willing to buy 2 of them if you have extras. Not in a hurry to ride. Live in mn so waiting on warm weather. Thanks!
Update please

I'm willing to bet that "the chips are still on back order" and will be for a while.

He set himself up to use that later on. As if the chips aren't available from multiple suppliers.

I know they are available because I have two sitting at home that plug-n-play to my circuit from Xopti, should it develop issues from staying plugged in (hasn't yet, but just in case). I also only paid ~$9 for each chip on Amazon (free 2-day shipping). Do the math for VR's (L7805CV) and caps (10/100) and you can decide for yourself how much you believe he's really "in the hole" when he's charging $50+.

So...about this transparency...
Don't believe me on price?

BT Module:
Shipping: Free (Prime)

Shipping: Free (Prime)

Shipping: Free (Prime)

Shipping: $8.40

So, to make 10 of these would cost $183.74 + wire, epoxy and shrink tubing. From 10 of you he has $500+ and claims to be in the hole. Even if he did a buy-on-get-one, he'd still be in the green.

I am not saying he isn't entitled to a profit for his labor, he most certainly is. However claiming he's in the hole when he clearly should not be, is my point with the prices.
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Yes, I've been using it. It (the JY-MCU based board) is also what Xopti was using in his before he stopped making them. If you read the reviews, they talk about the description being wrong and that it indeed has the 5V/3.3V bridge built in.

That is a BT module sitting on top of another board The bluetooth chip itself uses 3.3V. The board that the chip is set on takes 5V input and steps it down to 3.3V.

In your link, the RN-42 chip is 3.3V as well, but the board is 5V input. Here's the RN-42 by itself:

If in doubt, an LM317 VR could be used with a couple resistors to get the exact 3.3V, but that still would not break the bank since they're almost half the price; similar-priced when you add in the cost of the necessary resistors.

His excuses are not adding up...literally.
Thanks for the information jetlee. The question was more for my own benefit, not questioning the money part of this at all. This is something i want to stay out of on either side. I have sent you a pm as well.
Thanks for the information jetlee.  The question was more for my own benefit, not questioning the money part of this at all.  This is something i want to stay out of on either side.  I have sent you a pm as well.

No prob, replied to your PM.

After words with this guy in the past, and Kyle's run-off with the D1 ordeal, I think members should be aware of who/what they're dealing with. Members claim they want transparency and updates, but they're not getting any. I've done the footwork and know what these modules require both time and money-wise. It's not insanely difficult, but even with my new baby (yes I have one too so I know exactly what it takes), I could've knocked these out by now.

Hell, keep an eye out, maybe a batch will pop-up for sale at some point in the near future. They might be more compact, 100% weather-proof with real world time-tested reliability. ;)
buellxb9rs, I just PM'ed you requesting a refund. Please respond either on this thread or via PM. Thanks
I sent you an email also, please respond, or just do a refund.
Maybe just refund all of us our money back, and when the modules are are done then we pay you?
The guys above do make sense, but we gave you the benefit of the doubt
I PM'ed a couple times also. I'm just looking for a response also, just so I know where he is and some kind of expect ETA. I live in Michigan so it's not exactly the riding time of the year.
Once again, I'm not using cheap Chinese bluetooths. If you bought what I'm using isles a $23 chip plus shipping. New chips are expected around the beginning of february. A sent out 4 or 5 yesterday split across ones sold here and elsewhere as they have been waiting as well.

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