Bluetooth Adapter Group Buy - $51

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Wow, I made one of these for 10 bucks! Same functionality lol. To eaches own though! Good luck
You must not have read the description. You can't make this for $10, not even close and no its not the same functionality or even the same looks or quality. Besides that fact, I can't buy the Bluetooth for $10. I respect the fact that this is an open forum and you are entitled to your opinions, but there is no comparison of your supposed "$10" bluetooth compared to mine.

Well... To be honest.. I made it for 11 dollars 63 cents free shipping on parts... Yes that happened... Maybe you sourced your items at a different place but in all respect... my Bluetooth module is spec'd to your standards, stays hooked up to the bike at all time and has not flawed out once... and it cost 11.63 US. Like I said I'm not trying to down your product because some people don't want to make it... But It can be done for an estimated 10 dollars. If you have some other parts or buy bulk which im sure you did then you can get cheaper. As said previously, good luck!
I have sold $150+ all over the world in just bluetooth alone. I pay taxes, fees on selling, overhead from parts etc. Then the time to make them, I offer a warranty etc.
Never fails someone feels the need to offer their unsolicited opinion about the value of a bike or part for sale. I don't understand what purpose it serves as no one cares how much you think something is worth or your opinion about it. I am glad buellxb9rs has offered these at a discount and have chose to buy one. If I felt it was not a fair value, then I would have not made the purchase but I would have never felt the need to tell the rest of the world how stupid I think they are for not seeing it as I do. In fact, if I could make the same quality and functioning device for $11, then I would probably quietly make them and sell them at a fair profit. But I am guessing that it could not be done.

But hey, this is just MY unsolicited opinion I thought the rest of the world deserved to hear...

The purpose - Show people other options...
People come onto this forum for opinions and guidance...
Its prolly a good thing these are being offered as I said in a previous post how some people wish not to mes around making something.
If no one knew the price it could be for fair value... then they would just be ignorant making a blind purchase.
I have no time for making these as I contribute to a lot of open source projects... giving work and sometimes products away.... for free! :)
Just wanted to let you know

Oh and for the 3rd time.... Good luck!

Cheers all,
I dont have time to research how, source parts, build it, realize I ****** it up, re build it. Just to save $39. Im stoked on group buy
Your right, opinions and guidance are a lot of what forums are all about. Often that's why I come here. But rather than hijack a thread and bust the balls of someone who is selling a product, it would be proper to start your own thread saying "dudes, I built a bluetooth adapter for around $10!" or something and away you go. All I am saying is it's rude to come in to someones house uninvited and piss on their floor... even if they left the door open.

1. 50dro
2. ali
3. bwylie_99
4. eppt
5. J20tD
6. jessman78
7. jstav8
8. Mrlogix
9. neilrl79
10. noone1569
11. oh9bolt
12. Phlegm420
13. sirius815
14. TACPBuell
15. yellowcarbon
16. Ztied
17. EvilRX
18. Restlessrustler
19. Theycallmecrash
20. XB12Rog
21. heagachongoose
22. 9lbhammer
23. Jonny5zaliv
24. s0dhi
25. EricZ
26. bottlefedbuell
27. Nu Image Audio

In for the win!
1. 50dro
2. ali
3. bwylie_99
4. eppt
5. J20tD
6. jessman78
7. jstav8
8. Mrlogix
9. neilrl79
10. noone1569
11. oh9bolt
12. Phlegm420
13. sirius815
14. TACPBuell
15. yellowcarbon
16. Ztied
17. EvilRX
18. Restlessrustler
19. Theycallmecrash
20. XB12Rog
21. heagachongoose
22. 9lbhammer
23. Jonny5zaliv
24. s0dhi
25. EricZ
26. bottlefedbuell
27. Nu Image Audio
28. SpeedyG
1. 50dro
2. ali
3. bwylie_99
4. eppt
5. J20tD
6. jessman78
7. jstav8
8. Mrlogix
9. neilrl79
10. noone1569
11. oh9bolt
12. Phlegm420
13. sirius815
14. TACPBuell
15. yellowcarbon
16. Ztied
17. EvilRX
18. Restlessrustler
19. Theycallmecrash
20. XB12Rog
21. heagachongoose
22. 9lbhammer
23. Jonny5zaliv
24. s0dhi
25. EricZ
26. bottlefedbuell
27. Nu Image Audio
28. SpeedyG
29. jDiZzMaNiZz

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