and that's where your physics fu is so much stronger than mine because I need to take the rise of the bike as a separate system and one it is solved down add it to the tire system. (rise will be +Y -X) If I were to try and do it at the same time all would go wrong.
or does this problem need to be handled all at once?
I also know that
I can only do instantaneous moments for anything rotational. I lack the knowledge to write it out as a moving object
ok one that has bothered me for a while that none of my physics profs could ever answer is:
what is the force (or principal/law of supporting evidence) that holds two pieces of glass together with water in between them?
how does one calculate that force and quantify it?
all I have heard is suction, but have never found any formula or rule to calculate the force. (well actually the maximum potential force because the force it applies holding them together will be equal to the force pulling them apart if they are static

I would expect that cohesion as well as adhesion would need to be given values as well as the surface area of the two pieces of glass?
what about when the glass is not lifted uniformly?
can the "breaking point" be determined mathematically based off of the distance separating the pieces of glass or the force attempting to separate them?
is the force centralized and radiating from the center or is it uniform?
help me Obiwan Kenobi you're my only hope