Buell hate

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Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
Has anybody ever noticed that face/reaction a lot of people have when you tell them you ride a buell? That sort of hidden disgust they try to mask coupled with an "oh, that's cool". We seem to attract this sort of hatred from both Harley and sport bike crowds. I've never really understood why they all hate Buell. Even Ducati people turn their noses up at us and they have absolutely no room to critcize with their uncomfortable/overpriced silliness. I just don't get all the hate...
My buddies who ride sport bikes busted my balls when they saw what a dog my bike was above 60 mph. They were singing a different tune when we took the bikes down the back roads. I didn't buy my bike to gain popularity. I bought it because it gives me a boner every time I crack the throttle.
Haven't met many haters, met a lot of people who don't even know what a Buell is(they think it's a cool looking bike though).

I ride with a lot of sport bikers and never got a bad impression from any of them, guess it helps when you show up for a group ride with the sides of your tires worn off.

I have met a fair amount of people that are mildly jealous of my bikes cornering ability and mpg.
Haven't met many haters, met a lot of people who don't even know what a Buell is (they think it's a cool looking bike though).

This is more often the case for me. I've even had a couple people ask if it was a Bugatti...
People always try to subdivide themselves down into little "in" groups. I'm sure there are people that ride GSXR 750s that would look down on those that rode GSXR 600s.

To me, all motorcyclists are friends. : o )
Haha, if there's one thing a motorcycle should do, it's put a smile on your face every time you ride it. My 1125r definitely has a huge smile factor.
Never noticed this? Always get Nice bike or people ask these are made by harley right? My brother had some guys he rode with years ago , they all rode liter bikes and called his x1 slow but after a long ride he swapped with 1 guy. That guys girlfreind didnt want to get back on his 929! But then again im 32 and all the guys who used to ride crotch rockets have sold there bikes and no longer ride.
I've wanted a Buell for years (just got my first a couple months ago). I was chatting with a Monster owner filling up the other day, we both fired up and there was no drama on his end. Mine was shake'n and spitt'n and making small children cry...it's an experience just starting her up. I may not have the top end that some desire, but I have a butt -load of character and handling...plus, as has been mentioned before, big smiles every time. It's a very unique brand and those who snub it obviously have not had a chance to appreciate what they offer. On another note, the Buell community is right on...my kind of people.
I felt like my bike stinks after this morning, following an r1 light to light get up to the freeway he turns looks at me and bolted like a jew just saw a nazi cut 20 some people off rocketed up well past 120, left me so confused [confused]
Had a ZX-14, traded it in for a Harley. Why? I like the rumble, the shaking, the low grunt of the motor. I haven't really heard any hate about my XB, other than some punk tween who said "That's a nice piece of ****" as I rode by. Most HD guys I meet seem to have no problem with it, and one crotch rocket rider told me he had wanted one.

Ride your own ride.
no problem with that here in Costa Rica

People love Buells.... Traffic Police stopped me twice...i didnt had to show licens or any papers.. to busy asking questions and taking pictures with the Cellphones! ...
just 2 XB12Rs in C.R. :)
The local Harley Dealer in town won't work on Buells and I needed someone to tear down and rebuild my forks for me to powder coat. So word around town is this little bike shop which are two ex-harley cert mechanics would do it. Took them in and the guy asked what they were off, told him off a Buell. He looked at them and said he didn't want to mess with them. A guy standing in the shop that just happened to be there said "that's a Harley", and the mechanic very seriously looked at the guy and said "that's not a harley".

Doesn't matter what your into, bikes, cars, mountain bikes, etc, there are always short-sided idiots out there who will never know or understand. Eff 'em and who cares.
Never had a problem keeping up with r1s on my 1125cr. I can tell it works harder at times but more than makes up for it before we hit mountain passes. I ride with ducs and r1s often with coworkers and have been plenty happy, however I do at time yearn for a fairing on the 1125r. High speed without a fairing is the only constraint.
People hate what they don't understand.Seems like the people i meet and appreciate a buell are true motorcycle enthusiasts.Last person to tell me my buell was ugly had maybe 7 teeth total.You like it is all that matters