Buell owners are really the only cool people I know, because we aren't extreme. I've always loved HD, I always will. If I'm ever going to own a cruiser it will be an HD, and no I don't consider my sportster a cruiser [up] . The extreme element of HD owners is preeeetty gay, since it coasts off of what real bikers were and totally destroys the image, but look at sport bike riders. I love watching stunt riders and all that stuff but the extreme urban ghetto side of it is just as retarded as HD fanboys. I'm talking about the guys with clown vomit icon gear, monster stickers all over their bikes, flat brimmed baseball caps, saggy jeans, and listens to rap or some kind of genre with a -core at the end of it.
Both of these kinds of people seem to hate us, because we're the only ones who are in between. We have sport bikes powered by power plants that have existed since 1957, and the 1125s had more attention paid to ergonomics than pure track use so they don't turn out the numbers that an r1 will.