Buell hate

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Ha ha! Should have told him then why is there some at the Harley museum. Idiot people! American make sports bike. and most don't have a clue... just like Ford against Chevy. me? own both! bikes too it all good except when you run into haters. screw them just uneducated .
however I do at time yearn for a fairing on the 1125r.

And I long for a CR but I have an R....

So anyways I went to a Ducati dealership today and the sales guy basically insulted my Buell. Saying I won't be able to get parts after such and such amount of time blah blah blah. Then he started ragging on the EBR 1190 saying "you need a bunch of stuff to be able to race it" and that it was "too much for what you get". I brought up the Troy Bayliss 1098 and he just changed the subject.

I would have thought the Ducati guys would be my friend since we're all v twin lovers but not the case. At least a lot of the Harley people around here love Buells, several of the guys who work at our dealer ride them so they are less hated.
I think any dealer will say what they need to so they can get you off your bike and onto one of theirs... laugh them off!!

I love my Buell... and I’m not American, so there no “patriotism” or anything like that involved in my decision, I just think it’s something special and unique (from their looks to their technology) compared to all the other bikes out there.
I am quite surprised to hear you guys saying you’re treated like outcasts in the ‘States, I would have thought there would be massive support for you guys there… don’t really have that kind of thing here
I always get all the attention when we ride in a group.. we have guys with stretched Nd slammed 1000s with thousands of dollars in chrome and turbos and whatnot.. people always come up to me first and say what the hell is an ebr.( I had ebr logos on my air box). I explain and they go on there way.. everyone gets pissed.. one day this kid couldn't figure out why everyone came up to bike at every stop for gas or lunch.. I said " look at all our bike sitting there.. how many gsxr's you see, how many yamaha's kawis and so one.. there is one buell.. there is one bike that doesn't sound thesame as others.. that's what gets their attention.. he was pissed.. I haven't seen that guy on awhile.. he has a gsxr 1000 stretched and slammed and chrome on everything.. oh well I will never own anything else
we have guys with stretched Nd slammed 1000s with thousands of dollars in chrome and turbos and whatnot

Lol, I refuse to even consort with that crowd. The level of faggotry is off the charts for them. It's like why would you take a sport bike and then make it not-sporty. And then they'll have the gumption to talk trash about Harleys when their bikes are abhorations that need to be burned in sacrificial fires as an apology to the motorcycle gods.
their bikes are abhorations that need to be burned in sacrificial fires as an apology to the motorcycle gods.

Agreed. Reminds me of that video I saw of some dude that stretched the swingarm of his Hayabusa about 5 feet or so and then put TWO what looked like 300 wide tires on it. WTF are these people thinking?
They're no good at riding, so they try do everything they can to make the bike un-rideable so they have an excuse why they can't keep up.
So lets start a thread and cry about haters and I guess to make us feel better we'll be haters too?


To each his own.

Don't cry about haters especially if you're a hater yourself.

I personally don't give a **** what you ride and don't give a **** what you think about what I ride.
I had a guy tell me the other day he'd rather beat the **** out of himself then ride a buell! I was just shocked.... then asked what he road..... his answer was nothing.....
LOL, If I didn't have a motorcycle at that point I wouldn't care what I rode, I would just wanna ride
*uck em my buell ulysses sounds better with my hawk exhaust than 95%of bikes on the road then i burn em through the twisty and disappear off road im a white guy proud to be in the minority! any body in illinois go to randys cycle in union he works on all twins and wont screw you over.
I had a guy tell me the other day he'd rather beat the **** out of himself then ride a buell! I was just shocked.... then asked what he road..... his answer was nothing.....

My cousin and her husband give me **** about my Buell all the time. Neither of them have ever owned a MC but swear HD is the only bike worth having. Funny thing is, if you saw them out in public, you'd swear they had at least one considering they have HD tattoos, HD t-shirts, HD boots and HD leather jackets. They dress like hard core bikers ALL the time....
Hardcore Harley without the Harley [confused][confused]

Kinda like the people that tell me they are hardcore riders but only put about 500 miles on their bike in a year.
I'm suprised by all the supossed hatred towards Buells. I've been a multiple Bueller for 6 1/2 years and have always gotten positive and inquisitive responses. I guess the only negative comment I've encountered was when I bought my 08 STT at the HD/Buell dealer and a leather clad, dew rag wearing little lesbian chuckled and said "nice beginner bike"! My salesman quickly responded by saying "it would beat the **** out of her bagger". She just walked away.:)
I have an xb9, 1125cr and a vrod. It's absolutely amazing the reactions I get when on each different one. Since I hate hd, yeah I own the metric one, been thinking bout swapping out the hd badges for Buell ones.....Whatya all think?
Buell owners are really the only cool people I know, because we aren't extreme. I've always loved HD, I always will. If I'm ever going to own a cruiser it will be an HD, and no I don't consider my sportster a cruiser [up] . The extreme element of HD owners is preeeetty gay, since it coasts off of what real bikers were and totally destroys the image, but look at sport bike riders. I love watching stunt riders and all that stuff but the extreme urban ghetto side of it is just as retarded as HD fanboys. I'm talking about the guys with clown vomit icon gear, monster stickers all over their bikes, flat brimmed baseball caps, saggy jeans, and listens to rap or some kind of genre with a -core at the end of it.

Both of these kinds of people seem to hate us, because we're the only ones who are in between. We have sport bikes powered by power plants that have existed since 1957, and the 1125s had more attention paid to ergonomics than pure track use so they don't turn out the numbers that an r1 will.