Buell LC Thread

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Well-known member
Sep 28, 2009
On most of the interweb forums I've been on, I've seen some form of a Low Content (LC) thread. Basically anything that you want to post about that isn't quite thread-worthy.

For example, I'm about to buy a helmet but I can't decide on a color. Matte black is always badass but maybe I should go with a matte grey to be slightly more visible..

Mods: If this has already been tried or something then feel free to lock/delete.
Matte helmets look nice but I ve found they always get scuff and fingerprint marks on em' that I can never fully remove..
this is true... Matte helmets do get dinged up a bit more and show a lot more in the way of fingerprints.
However if you take the time to wipe it down every so often and just be easy with it, it should be fine.

As far as the color goes, will a gray show up that much more than black? I would say your clothing would be the best thing to be visible, and not so much the helmet.

also, on another topic... any of you have wives or girlfriends who think you have too much motorcycle gear? Recently the lady has been harpin me about all my jackets and what not, yet I just bought her a new jacket... her 4th one.
Matte helmets look nice but I ve found they always get scuff and fingerprint marks on em' that I can never fully remove..
I've got the Icon Rubicon finished (rubbery matte) Devil Dog - really like this finish. Has the matte look while still being durable. Bug crap is harder to get off though. :p

also, on another topic... any of you have wives or girlfriends who think you have too much motorcycle gear? Recently the lady has been harpin me about all my jackets and what not, yet I just bought her a new jacket... her 4th one.

can't have too much protective gear imo (money permitting hehe)

which do you guys think is safer, a motorcycle or a 150cc scooter? google points to motorcycle but i'm just curious